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Welcome to Tower Software, a Tower company. We have been in business since 1987 serving the needs of local businesses and professionals with their software ad computer system and networking needs. 

In the late 1990's  we began providing web consulting services helping companies move to e-commerce through a variety of technologies including voice over IP, streaming video, intelligent agents and more.  

Our strategy to to enable small to medium sized businesses establish and maintain a presence on the web without having to hire and entire IT infrastructure to do it.

For large businesses we provided consulting services to speed the transition and convergence of their existing business communications infrastructures to better facilitate their entrance into the E-Commerce arena.

Our Mission

Company Profile

Contact Information

Postal address
6 May St., Blackstone, MA 01504-1821
Electronic mail
General Information: johndcooper@bigfoot.com
Customer Support:
Webmaster: Tower_s_s@geocities.com


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Copyright © 2000 Tower Software
Last modified: January 03, 2000