Modular Reality Get's Spammed !


Dear freinds and fellow Modular Reality consultants,

I haven't made many updates to this page since I started full time work again. I am a workaholic with high I/Q and low self-esteem. Combined with my daily commute it leaves little time to do much upkeep.

here is what's been happening;

I bought a new computer after running out of chicken wire for my dear old 486. Being thrifty I bought an under $500 dollar PC. It does what I need it to do, and will last me until this whole internet / computer fad is over.

I added a local earthlink dial-up to my internet connection to take advantage of the higher baud rate. The increase has been substantial, but this is because I live close to both the telco and the network access. Unfortunately the increase in spam has also been substantial.

Learning the Spam Lingo

What they say ...

What they really mean

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY LEGAL! They never bothered to read the U.S Postal Inspectors statements on chain letters.
Our bulk e-mail software brings millions of potential customers right to you.  You can annoy millions of potential enemies...
"AS SEEN ON NATIONAL TV" a consumer fraud segment. Note they never mention which actual show or when it was aired.
EARN UP TO  $ 100,000 IN YOUR SPARE TIME! Only if you are a convicted felon doing back to back life sentences.
IMPORTANT-- DO NOT alter the names of the people who are   listed next to each report, or their sequence on the list, Ignore the fact that my name is at the top of the list, or the three PO boxes are in my home town.

No deposit / No return:

Most of the spam I receive now includes standard legal blurbs like "For list removal, please type REMOVE in the subject field and send to".

however most of these messages include invalid return addresses causing undeliverable error notices. Thus trying to remove myself in the suggested manner causes this confusing array of replies;

... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
<<< 550 <>... User unknown

... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
<<< 550 <> User Doesn't Exist.

... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
<<< 550 <>... Mailbox disabled for this recipient

... while talking to
>>> RCPT To:<>
<<< 550 <> User Doesn't Exist

These are not typo's. In examing the headers of many of these messages I find they are coming from domains not listed in the message body. Most of the "Apexmail" messages are actually coming from the Netherlands or Denmark.


One message included a web link to what it claimed was a safe and secure entry form for accesss to submit credit product inquiry. Actually it created a local submit page which submitted the fields to a form mail cgi script. When I submitted the form with blank information the return error in the URL toolbar pointed to the originator as a prodigy account. SSL encryption was never enabled.

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