3dFX OpenGL Windows Driver

3dFX is getting nasty, and is no longer providing a Windows OpenGL driver for their boards at their web site. The are referring users to go to the board manufacturer's sites to download drivers. My board manufacturer doesn't offer an OpenGL driver(Maxi Gamer 3d2) on their site. I had downloaded this beta driver from the 3dFX site prior to them dropping driver support from their web page. As you may know, 3dFX bought a board manufacturing company and announced that they will now build their own boards, and will not sell the VoodooIII chipset to other board manufacturers. Removing VoodooII driver support from their web site transfers the burden of support to the board manufacturers, and makes their new VoodooIII-based boards look more attractive in comparison to VoodooII-based boards.

Here is the driver: opengl32.zip

Unzip it, and put it in the /WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory.

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