Last update: April 5, 2000
Visitors since June 2, 1999


MKGal Start page
MKGal Download page
MKGal Screenshots page
Delphi stuff
Go stuff


MKGal is a galaxy PBEM turn viewer for windows 95/98/NT, it can read normal, blind, NG and NG-Blind reports.
System requirements: Pentium with at least 32MB, and high resolution screen (1024x768 recommended)

Another project is GalaxyBot, it's goal is to replace players who dropped out a galaxy game.

I have included links for people who want to build MKGal. Or want to know were I got some components.

If you want to contact me: Martijn van der Kooij,

I like programming, so I do not spend much time on this site, but I does on MKGal and playing Galaxy so enjoy.

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Martijn van der Kooij

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