MKGal Screenshots

This page contains screenshots of MKGal, it can take a while to load all images....

The toolbar

The toolbar
This toolbar controls all dialogs in MKGal, use the left mousebutton to show a dialog, or the right mouse button to toggle minimize / maximize of the dialog.
The Caption shows the game name, and the player name of the current Galaxy game.

The players dialog

Players dialog 1
Is this not enough?..... Here is the rest of the information...
Players dialog 2
You can sort all information, drag and drop the columns.
In a popupmenu you can create messages for a player, set war/peace to him, show all (known) planets a player in the map and show selected players in the Graph dialog.

The graph dialog

Graphs 1
And this is what you can select to view:
Graphs 2
Ofcourse you can zoom in this graph

The overview dialog

MKGal Overview
Here you can see the current statistics of your empire, and what it will be the next turn, with and without shipping.

The Battles dialog

MKGal Battles dialog
Here you can view the battles that you have seen, and you can add a battle to the battle simulator.

The Map

MKGal Map MKGal Map
Do you see those tiny pixels? Those are groups in hyperspace, they are read from the Ascii Map, no one can suprise you now!

The Planet dialog

MKGal PLanets dialog

Visitors since June 2, 1999