Hail ,Welcome to my web page , I hope you will find interresting stuff

A little about myself , I live in Montreal ( Canada ) , im 20 years old
I talk in French and a little in English
I have studied in Computer Programming.

After i went to study 3d moddeling and animation.
Currently im working on a MMORPG kinda like UO, its written in C++, VB and Directx 8

My Picture

I've been playing UO from Summer 1998 to Autumn 1999 and from Autumn 2000 to now

Currently I play on Europa and Lake Superior
On Europa
my name is Grizwald , Pure Mage
On Lake Sup I have 2 main caracter:
a Master Tamer And Salem a GM Alchemist / GM Poisonner.

Currently I only hunt house in game , im kinda bored of Monsters killing and PvP.