IRTC Group Image Project

The Brownstone and Courtyard Buildings

Pictures UPDATED 15 April 2000

Since Fall '99 there has been a Group Image Project underway sponsored by the IRTC. (Due to illness, the site is temporarily down. It will be restored soon at a new URL.)
The subject is "A Street Fair" being held in a city park. I, and a few others, are working on blocks of buildings to be the "backdrop" for the Fair in the park. Here are some sample shots of my building.
The POV source code ZIP file is available thru this link.

All contributions to the scene, or to my building, will be greatly appreciated. Get my files and design some new wall panels, windows, doors, decorative trim, stairs, et cetera for the building. Return your new code to me and I'll work it into the #macro that renders the building. Of course, you will be credited in the source code and on the GIP web site.

The pictures below are of the Courtyard Apartment, an up-scale version of the previous building. Many of the same elements that went into the basic Brownstone have been used in this one. The building is about 90% done as of today. The revised source code will be posted here and to the GIP site.

UPDATED 1 August 2000

After consulting with Project Manager, Ray Benjamin, I've made some extensive revisions and additions to his set of basic files. Below are some more sample shots of the Fair site showing Ib Rasmussen's period-piece bridge and my buildings. The POV source code ZIP file for the NEW Version of Ray's Fair INC files are available thru this link.

Courtyard Apartment...

...frames going up.

Front Courtyard Details.

...close-up of same...

Today's State-Of-The-Project.

The Courtyard Itself...
with generic plants.

The eastern front facade with some
creative "commenting-out".

Another view of the south facade.

Long Shot of Same...

Basic Brownstone

A Street Level View

Peaked Roof Option

The View Toward the West.
Click for a bigger view...

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