This page was last modified on 7/29/96

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Your are theth person to 'accidentally transfer all of your money to my bank account(just kidding)
The Unofficial X-FILES Page Meet a friend ONLINE SpankE's Descent 2 Page SpankE's Duke Nukem 3D Page Miguels Anime Page My Favorite Links Page A Showcase for young talent Chris' Chat Page
Hello person.

This page was made with "young adult" entertainment in mind. Just about everything that my friends and I enjoy are on this page. I hope that YOU are entertained with this.

Site News

(6/17/96)-As, you know, this page is brand spankin' new. Unforunatly, its not all done yet. The only page up yet is my Descent 2 page. Check back daily, as I am finishing one page at a time.
Thanks for the patience,
(6/18/96)-Meet your buddy page and the Duke3D page are now up!
Have fun!

(6/19/96)NEW FEATURE!!
New West Coast Gamer's List has been created!! If you are looking for a human opponant for your favorite Mmultiplayer game, than look no further!
Go to the form NOW!

SpankE's Duke Nukem 3D page is finally completed!
The Links page is almost done as well, and Miguel is still working on perfecting the Anime Temple...

Added more Java script to my page today. I can imagine your delight. I think that I am *very* bored. Oh well.

(7/10/96) JAVA CHAT!
Thats right! Just when you thought Chris' Super Duper Deluxe Web Page couldn't get any more super! I've now added a Java Chat Applet to this page. For more information go here.

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NOTE:I should be on anytime between 8:00pm and 10:00pm PST

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X-FILES|A Creative Place|Meet Your Buddy|Links |Descent 2|Duke Nukem 3D|Anime