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That's me, ugly, eh ? Well, Actually It's just a bad picture

Name: Mathias       Last Name: Dellaert
Age :15
Nationallity : Belgian
Sex : M
Adress : Beerschotstraat     nr : 16
Postal Code : B2020
City : Antwerp
Country : Belgium
Criminal Record : None
Occupation : Student

So, what else can be told ? I like programming ( obviously ), and I'm hoping to become an ethologist ( that's like an antropolist but with animals instead of with humans. The dictionarry says : about ethology : the scientific and objective study of animal behavior esp. under natural conditions ). I am looking for a good university, anybody any sugestions??

My hobbies are :

Programming, computer graphics, ethology, astronomy, physics, drama, archeology, ...

On the moment I'm studiing Economy - Mathematics at the H. Pius X-Institute Antwerp but next year, I'm planning to do Mathematics - Science. So far I've folowed the folowing Subjects :

I'm planing a trip trough Europe by train. I'm going to get me one of these interrail tickets, you know these tickets where you can ride all ( well, almost all ) trains in Europe with. It's something I always wanted to do and now, my mother has finally allowed me to do so ( after 6 glasses of white wine, 2 Irish coffees and a glass of champagne ).

The Ticket costs 14 000 BEF ( about $ 440 ) and then I need food and a place to sleep so in Total, I'm estimating the cost at 50 000 BEF ( about $ 1565 ) for the whole month. I'm almost certain that I'll be able to get that amount of money. However if you want to contribute you may deposit any amount of money on acount number 789-5781776-12. No ? I thought you wouldn't.

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