Michael Gatto - 08/27/00 23:11:40
My Email:loris@rochester.rr.com
How do I contribute? I want to contribute.
Ed Vaughan - 02/16/00 15:35:45
My Email:Edwin.T.Vaughan.1@gsfc.nasa.gov
16 Feb. 2000 (Wed.) @ ~ 10:45 a.m. EDST
Dear Sirs/Mss.: The aphorisms, sentiments, and
other Words of Wisdom expressed in your Small Talk
are invaluable; I've incorporated a number of them
into my "signatures". What follows is the abstract of a lecture given by Dr. John R. Mashey at Bell Labs in 1977/1978 and used 20-30 times as an ACM National Lecture. I particularly like certain sections of this abstract, and I recommend that you incorpor
te parts of it somewhere into your Web pages (with Dr. Mashey's permission, of course):
"Some programming projects are quite successful in creating products that are well-accepted by their customers, are done on time and within budget,
and are useful over a reasonable length of time. Some projects are at most partially successful, and others die quickly. Worst of all, some projects turn into 'zombies' -- they never become truly successful, but somehow cannot be killed off, despite the
ervent desires of many to
do so. Everyone would like more successes and less of the others. For certain types of projects, the following (slightly untraditional) approach is likely to pay off:
- Keep it as small and simple as possible. Avoid the plague of 'creeping featurism'.
- Build it fast and be ready to throw it away.
- Instead of building systems, build good sets of tools and a few good ways to put them together.
- Few projects are really successful, so be aware of the high risks involved. If you're going to fail, fail quickly and get it over with.
Examples are given of projects that have used this strategy successfully and others where it might have been helpful. It is analyzed and compared
to more traditional approaches with regard to patterns of productivity, morale, and life-cycle costs. An annotated bibliography is provided ..."
Abstract of 09/18/1978 lecture entitled "Small is Beautiful and other thoughts on Programming Strategies", by Dr. John R. Mashey,
(formerly with) 325 Whitmore Lab, Bell Laboratories, Whippany, NJ,
(currently the) Chief Scientist, Corporate R&D, SGI, Mountain View, CA"
Dr. Mashey's email address is "mash@sgi.com".
Ed Vaughan
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Mail Code 587.0
Bldg. 23, Room W311
Voice Phones: (301) 286-7735 (desk/PhoneMail)/x6-9776 (sec'y/Branch Office)
Facsimile phones: (301) 286-7153 (prime)/x6-1767 (alt. #1)/x6-1764 (alt. #2)
Email Address: Edwin.T.Vaughan.1@gsfc.nasa.gov
Gail Thiessen - 11/13/99 08:56:54
My Email:rgthiessen@neonet.bc.ca
What a neat site! Aside from the fun quips and quotes, I also learned some "stuff" that will help me understand "computering" a little better. Keep up the good work on-site!
stone - 09/30/99 06:16:58
My URL:http://www.freespeech.org/badai
good work :)
Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 18:55:59
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Very nice pages, some of the poems and phrases are on my site too so I can hardly criticise your taste in content!!
Good luck keeping it running,
Liz :-)
Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 18:02:53
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com
Good work, congratulations....
You're the BEST!!!
Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/19/99 23:01:45
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com
This is one of the most worthwhile chance discoveries I've ever had on the Net.
R.F. - 06/05/99 10:05:33
This is one of the most worthwhile chance discoveries I've ever had on the Net.
R.F. - 06/05/99 10:05:27
This is one of the most worthwhile chance discoveries I've ever had on the Net.
R.F. - 06/05/99 10:05:20
This is one of the most worthwhile chance discoveries I've ever had on the Net.
10/22/98 08:27:23
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Cindy - 10/08/98 12:31:22 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |