The Paranoid Electronic Magazine for hackers and phreakers in the United Kingdom.
What is P.S.D ?
Paranoia Strikes Deep is an electronic magazine (e-zine) based around
phreaking and hacking. Although PSD will be based mainly on those two
things it will try to focus on other things to, such as, new software releases,
events in news etc.
P.S.D Website
The Paranoia Strikes Deep website will be the main outlet for the e-zine
will be the first place to receive releases. More than just a outlet it
will also contain
software and images which will come in useful for every day use.
When will P.S.D be Released ?
The electronic magazine will be released bi-monthly or monthly depending
the information avaliable and the amount of people writing for it.
What format will it be in ?
Paranoia Strikes Deep will come in two formats, HTML and standard txt
Are you interested in writing articles for P.S.D. ? Why not
send us
some information and any articles that you have written. Remeber
although P.S.D is a hack/phreak magazine we would still be interested
in any information about computers / daily activites.
Will I get paid for writing ?
Being paid for writing in the e-zine is not known and is only based
the success of merchandise which will be avaliable from P.S.D.
P.S.D will also be selling t-shirts and maybe sweat-shirts in different
Hopefully a Paranoia Strikes Deep - HACK UK will be avaliable and
" I ain't no phreak " ( Paranoia Strikes Deep ) one will
be avaliable.
Contact Information
You can contact us at
use PGP for greater
piece of mind. My key is avaliable.