julie payne - 12/24/99 05:23:30
My URL:http://www.smutville.com
My Email:julie.payne@mail.utexas.edu
comments: um, gassan....let's just say I had no idea....
great big steamy thing: look down
favorite bands: not tool (i once owned their album and i gave it away).
who have you had sex with: you
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: yes. criminal mischief (infecting unknowing men with herpes).
do I know you?: not well
Joe M - 11/03/99 04:44:03
My URL:/taichiwawa
My Email:kiss@myass.com
comments: dat shit be rollin
great big steamy thing: my dick
favorite bands: taichiwawa, Free Sofa, Fuel, Our Lady Peace
who have you had sex with: Christina Aguilera, and a bunch of other really meaningful relationships
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: i plead the 5th
do I know you?: Yeah im that phantom friend that knows so many people that everytone thinks i know everyone else..
kool page man.. love the comments on everyone.. brings me back to high school.. an you know.. dis shit be rollin knowhatimsayin shi.. fuh yeha it all on tha DL it all koo we mackin..shitfuh
Amy Wong - 09/08/99 06:15:39
My URL:http://eagle.cc.ukans.edu/~awong
My Email:AYWong19@aol.com
comments: Let's go clubbing!!! =)
great big steamy thing: I just live with her.
favorite bands: too many to list
who have you had sex with: ask and i may release this info.
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: N/A
do I know you?: of course!
hey babe! you page just rocks! it's quite entertaining! i'm glad i met you in houston this summer. one day, i'll return to texas and we'll have to hang! until then, take care and i'll c-ya around. laterz... LV Always-- AW "Giggles"
Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 19:08:19
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
It is time to tell the truth about Gasan. That guy was always thinking about ways to get laid: Organizing Orgies, picking up hookers on Congress Av. (until he found out that 90% of them are men), dressing up his roommate, so poor Dipesh would look like Ty
a Banks etc, etc.
Do you know why Gasan is not a straight A student? Because he is always partying! While I was busy with homework, he was doing keg stands and strip poker in Ray Huan's room (another AA client).
Girls I'll tell you never get into his car when he offers you to take you to Seven Eleven. There are rumours floating around Austin that he is using co-op girls for Nepalese snuff movies. Be ware!!
That is all, by the way I think you website is great, really, really cool..for me to poop on!!!!!!
Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/20/99 18:13:25
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com
Good work, congratulations....
Well, I'm back in the H O L L A N D. I like that webpage of yours, but did you have to show that picture of me a Kate??? My family likes to keep this a secret, and Peter is yealous.
Hope you visit us at the next gayparade in Amsterdam. We know you will be there, darling!!!! Please don't dress like a cop this year.
Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/19/99 23:11:25
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com
Why are you such a fudge packing homo?
Poohog - 06/16/99 08:37:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/5312
My Email:Poohog@geocities.com
comments: Where's JAVA???? Great fuckin page ... Eat my big antelope cock
great big steamy thing: Mrs. Kent's bra
favorite bands: head and rubber
who have you had sex with: Jason's aunt... sorry Fadi
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: Yes... Necro bestial pedaphillia
do I know you?: I should hope so, I'm your fuckin step dead... just call me the Towel Boy cuz I am rippin off your mother's head... sandy bitch
DeGeNeRaTeS RuLe "If you smeeeellllllllllll
what the Poohog is cookin!!!!!!!!!!!?
Where's Java?
jerome - 05/06/99 04:35:33
My URL:http://http.com
My Email:com@com.com
comments: fuck
great big steamy thing: what else?
favorite bands: Johann Sebastian Fuck You
who have you had sex with: Martha Washington
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: yes. a felony.
do I know you?: i think so
i thought i signed your guestbook already......oh well...i guess i'm signing it again. Just read Quangs little essay down below. Pretty interesting (if by interesting, i mean ...). Anyways.....i'm wasting time b4 going to do work...fuck it....time to d
work....fuckfuckshit and all that good stuff.
U-set - 05/05/99 23:29:25
My Email:spent2k@ragemail.com
comments: none
great big steamy thing: Fat Pussy
favorite bands: Tribe Called Quest
who have you had sex with: everybody
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: too smart to catch
do I know you?: you might
Im friends with david we go way back i guess you can call me the unofficial degenerate.
Cuong-o Tran - 05/05/99 07:52:33
My URL:/SiliconValley/Park/5313
My Email:deathtran@geocities.com
comments: blah blah blah, yada yada yada
great big steamy thing: I was roasting hot dogs a little earlier, if that counts
favorite bands: Those Beastie Kids and M-in-em
who have you had sex with: I turn down all the bitches like Greg does, except he's a better looking guy, so he probably gets more bitches. And he turned down the offer to have sex with 2 or more women at the same time... what is he? Stupid or gay
He turned down ever man's dream!
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: yes, I've been convicted to being stoopid
do I know you?: hell yeah! I fucked you in the ass and never gave you the pleasure of a reach around, remember?
I like that little profile on Greg. That shit's funny. Hey, you know what YOU need? You need a HOT CHICKS PAGE! Just make a new page full of all the hot chicks you know and place them up there... ok, they don't have to be "Cuong's standards for hot ch
cks" because you probably don't know any that's up to the Tran's hot chicks status, but hey, put up a hot chicks page of your status. Put up all them chicks in your exdrugselling apartment complex. You know, those chicks I saw in Mike's video and on you
web camera when I was video confrencing with you and Mike using Netmeeting.
Ok, enough of that, let me go on some more about Greg. I saw Jordan the other day, and I imagined Jordan with a gay beard, and he looks just like Greg! Oh yeah, and Jordan's getting married soon. What the hell? He's marrying one of the chicks that wor
s at Centerfolds. Anyways, enough about Jordan, back to the turning down chicks topic. Ok, I follow a few simple sex rules which I don't break. I follow other rules in life I set for myself, but I won't get into that.
Death Tran's Rules For Phukin' Hoes (any derrogatory term used for women in this explination isn't meant to be offensive... it's the truth!)
1) Only boogie with women of legal age - I don't wanna go to jail for 2 minu... errr... 30 mintues of fun! (depends on the state... go here if you have questions http://www.ageofconsent.com )
2) Only slam attractive chicks - no explination needed.
3) Don't screw drunk women - now there are a few exceptions to this. If you've already porked the bitch before, then it's ok to pork her again. Also, if you're out of state and the slut has no way of knowing where you live, you can also go at it. The r
ason for this is, I don't want some whore calling me or anything the next day or something thinking I'm an ass for taking advantage of her, even though all women are sluts and they all want the D, but those cock sucking tramps won't admit it.
4) Don't do the horizontal hokey POKEY with a girl that has a boyfriend - ok, this rule has a few exceptions to it too. If the chick and the boyfriend don't know where you live, then it's ok. If the boyfriend is an asshole, then you can do it just to ru
it in his face. If the boyfriend knows you're ganna do it and he's ok with it, then that's also ok. If you know the boyfriend and he's your friend, then you can't EVER do this, unless he knows about it and he's BEGGING you to bodyslam his woman. Now t
e reason for this is, even though you may be bigger and stronger than the boyfriend, anyone can use a gun and shoot you in the head... twice! I know this really nice guy that was married and has a kid. Well, his wife cheated on him and he beat the livin
shit out of that dude. He got arrested and everything for beating the prick up, but the dude's a nice guy and beat the piss out of another dude. If I were him, though, I'd be more pissed at the wife for being cheating dyke, but hey, not everyone thinks
like me.
5) If you ever have a chance to accomplish every man's dream (2+ women at once) then ignore rules 3,4, and part of 2 (at least 1 of the females has to be attractive). Reason for this? Well, can't ignore rule #1, too risky... rule #2 can be broken if one
of the girls is attractive, because then you can spend most of your time on her and the others will just be there to help. 3,4 can be broken because it's ganna be worth it! Rule 3, the bitch may be drunk, but it's 2 women at once and she can't say nothi
' because she'll sound like a bigger slut than she already is, so she can't complain. Rule 4 can be broken because when you see the boyfriend, you say "TWO (or more) WOMEN AT ONCE MAN!" and the boyfriend should understand and say "WOW! You're them man!
So, as you can see, Greg broke rule #5. Now, unless all of them bitches were under 17 or they were all dog ugly, then he has no excuse! What's he thinking?! Ok, I think this is long enough... I'm just procrastinating because I don't feel like studying
or finals. Hell, I'm ganna go to sleep now.
Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Jefferson - 02/25/99 22:29:27
Yo Jason,
You can get a JPEG version of your gang.bmp pic at http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/jp/gang.jpg
I'd email it to you, but your stinkin email address isn't on your stinkin web page, so get it yerself.
The Cube, or to others, The Cube - 01/15/99 17:57:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconVlley/Chip/3249
My Email:dbb01@gnofn.org
comments: eat my shit
great big steamy thing: my shit
favorite bands: shit shit shit
who have you had sex with: fuck, I'd run outta fuckin space!
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: Not yet. don't fucking worry about it! Ask that Cuong guy!
do I know you?: You better know who's dick you sucked!
Not bad, not bad. I LOVE the fat period! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, were you FAT! haaahahaa!
but seriously, keep working at it, and keep
making the effort to lean the DeGeN way (although
the FAT page does help). Peace out!
Johni Dingaling or just Mike - 01/14/99 03:42:59
My Email:ruffusj@hotmail.com
comments: if you don't know who I am, u betta ask sum 'mutherfuckin' body!
great big steamy thing: whatever you wanna call it, it 9 inches long
favorite bands: Matchbox20 (fuck ya'll)
who have you had sex with: Nobody yet, but we plan on changing that REAL soon!
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: yes. I was born black!
do I know you?: you had better, cause if not, then you have a strnager for a dad!
Ok, so I'm the second mo'fo to sign this freakin' guestbook. How the fuck does gook-boy always get to fill out the guestbooks first? That bitch must have nuthin' better to do. Anywayz, yo page could use work, but I like it! So you think I behave like a
-year old huh? Do you think the judge will except that as a reasonable defense if I can't get the girl to go to Spain with me?
Cuong-o Tran - 01/13/99 06:47:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/5313
My Email:deathtran@geocities.com
comments: I'm the first to sign da big bad book.
great big steamy thing: In my pants.
favorite bands: Elvis... no wait, he wasn't a band.
who have you had sex with: My right hand mostly. Sometimes my left when my right hand gets too tired and wants to sleep or gets cramps or I hurt it's feelings or something. Then, of course, there's... YOUR MOTHER! But I have to pay $1.25 for tha
are you a convicted felon? if so, what crime did you committ?: Nope, I've never done an illegal thing in my life...
do I know you?: of course you do!
Yay, I'm the first to sign you're guestbook. Notice how I purposefully misused the word "your" and put "you are" instead. I really hate people that do that. When I see a mistake like that, I want to take a pencil, correct they're mistake and then jab t
em in the eye with the pencil. Notice how I misused "their" with "they are". When I see a mistake like that, I'd like to take a pen and correct their mistake and then jab them in the throat with the pen. I'm not a psycho... at least that's what I made
y last shrink say before I beat him to death with his left shoe.