In Loving Memory
of Pepper

The Wanderer
and Faithful Companion

August 4, 1984 - January 28, 2001


"Sorry to hear about Pepper, but she hadn't been doing well for some time. As I told you from the other week when I took care of her, she fell down when she went to her dish. I felt so bad for her because she was so weak and wouldn't eat. I'll miss her. You can certainly get attached to a pet."

"Sorry to hear about Pepper. We have two cats and we are very attached to them, so we know how sad it is. A few years ago we lost our pet Mugsie. We found him in the back yard with two broken legs and internal injuries. Now we don't let our cats go outside. Our condolences."

"I am so sorry to hear about Pepper. I know you loved her very much. She was a good dog and lived a long life. And I especially thought that the Web page you set up to honor her was a very nice idea."

"I'm sorry to hear about Pepper's death, but you have to admit that that dog definitely got its years out of life, and everyday she knew that she had a family that cared for her. She'll be very missed."

"I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing a picture of Pepper. Our new pet is only 1 year old, but I catch myself looking at her and already hurting for the day that I know we will have to say goodbye to her. It is amazing how big a part of your heart they take."

"If you need to talk, I am here. Those of us with family pets know that they are family. I am so sorry for your loss."

"Pepper's death sucks, man. My condolences."

"What a cute dog! I'm sorry for your loss."

"Awww...... she's sweet!"

"I'm no expert, but I would bet money that your heart was won over by a terrier, and I doubt that many will bet against me. So sorry for your loss. But 16-and-a-half years is a great life, and it's great news for those of us who are just starting out with our terriers."

"What a sweet old girl! All my sympathy on losing your friend, but what a good life!"

"So sorry to hear about Pepper. What a wonderful companion she must have been."

"Sorry to hear about your dog. Give yourself some time and then decide if you want another. When my dog died at only 7 years old, I thought I'd give myself a break from the routine and take some time for myself. But I soon found that it was a lot more fun with a little buddy by my side. I was dog-less for 8 months and it just wasn't the same. As soon as Sneezie came to live with me, I felt complete again."

"That looks like a happy terrier to me! And she was a gorgeous one at that. I am terribly sorry for your loss. She is surely having a wonderful time at The Rainbow Bridge waiting for you."

"I just wanted to express my sympathies for your loss. How wonderful for you that you had that beautiful dog for 16 years!"

"I'm really sorry to hear that you lost your dog. You will see her again at The Rainbow Bridge."


A Dog's Prayer

A Poem For The Grieving

The Rainbow Bridge