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Apple CEO & Management Suggestions (20)
(Jot down the numbers of your 3 favorite suggestions and VOTE! at the end of this page)
(Not necessarily listed in order of
Apple needs to get rid of the suits! Put in a CEO and top execs with creative vision like Steve Jobs & The Woz had. - Entered 7/97. #1 - Vote=1 - THANKS Apple!
Apple needs to stop the layoffs! If you cut anymore you will sacrifice employee loyalty, product quality and company reputation! If you want to cut when things get rough- start with the salary and bonuses of the top execs - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! ("APPLE CUTTING EXECUTIVE PERKS" CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - "Steve Jobs, calling on the company's 'egalitarian, entrepreneurial' heritage, is axing sabbaticals, ending cash bonuses for executivies and cutting severance pay. .." - Entered 8/97, and work your way down! (That's the way they do it in Japan- They accept responsibility for company problems from the top down- They feel management decisions affect the lack of prosperity more than worker productivity.- And who can argue with that?) - Entered 7/97. #2 - Vote=1
Apple needs to ask all management and production employees to accept suspension of bonuses - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! ("APPLE CUTTING EXECUTIVE PERKS" CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - "Steve Jobs, calling on the company's 'egalitarian, entrepreneurial' heritage, is axing sabbaticals, ending cash bonuses for executivies and cutting severance pay. .." - Entered 8/97, and a "variable" salary - One that is hooked into the profitability of the company, and varies. Designed to prevent layoffs, move-outs to cheap labor arenas, and division close-downs. Survival of the company is now of the highest priority. - Entered 7/97. #3 - Vote=1
Apple needs to encourage democratic management / decision making, encompassing all personnel, at all Apple Computer operations. This will help Apple blossom into a new company with an image of vision and inspiration both in the minds of its employees, and the minds of the public - truly a democratic - people's company. (Wowsa!! Wouldn't that be a great democracy based free-world innovation for America's favorite company? - Ed.) - Entered 7/97. #4 - Vote=1
Apple's new CEO needs to take a page from Lee Iacocca's strategy - Cut bonuses - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! ("APPLE CUTTING EXECUTIVE PERKS" CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) - "Steve Jobs, calling on the company's 'egalitarian, entrepreneurial' heritage, is axing sabbaticals, ending cash bonuses for executivies and cutting severance pay. .." - Entered 8/97 and/or work for one year without a salary., just to inspire the employees! - Entered 7/97. #5 - Vote=1
Apple needs to work closely with Hewlett-Packard, or Casio, or someone else who understands power management technology. When was the last time anyone got more than 60 minutes out of a powerBook battery? - Entered 7/97. #6 - Vote=1
Apple needs to merge with Nintendo - This moves the brand into the consumer area, and under one management team. - Entered 7/97. #7 - Vote=1
Apple needs to get rid of all the well-dressed politically correct engineers and keep the ones that can fix the things wrong with the Mac OS. - Entered 7/97. #8 - Vote=1 - THANKS Steve! THANKS Apple! As reported in the Nov. '97 issue of MacAddict magazine sj has "brought in top-notch software and hardware engineers to replace Chief Technology Officer Ellen Hancock." Among those brought over to Apple from NeXT was Avie Tevanian (was vice president of engineering at NeXT), and Jon Rubinstein (the hardware engineer who designed NeXT's ground-breaking black cude). - Entered 3/98.
Apple needs to retain their Apple Fellows at all costs. Because of personnel leaving, there has been a serious drain in Apple's think tank department. - Entered 7/97. #9 - Vote=1
Apple needs to solidify the management team. Pushing people out or allowing them to leave does not inspire those remaining. - Entered 7/97. #10 - Vote=1
Apple needs to keep its human factors team strong and give it an even larger role, as it used to have when Tog was there. Human factors and usability are what distinguishes the Mac OS from its competitors. - Entered 7/97. #11 - Vote=1
Apple needs to consider Jim "Blue Ninja" Cannavino for Apple CEO. He headed IBM's OS/2 efforts before Gerstner and was a very good marketer. I had much exposure to him when I ran a large Intel-based LAN and was trying for OS/2 on the desktop rather than Windows. Since Microsoft is now trying to lock Netscape out with its built-in defaults for IE in Windows 98, it would make sense for Netscape to hook up with Apple and do the same in Rhapsody. Since Rhapsody will run on all platforms, this would seem to be a good solution for both companies. - Entered 7/97. #12 - Vote=1
Apple needs Guy Kawasaki for CEO. - Entered 7/97. #13 - Vote=1
Apple needs to restructure the board of directors. Get some people in there that are more customer focused. - Entered 7/97. #14 - Vote=1 - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! As reported in the Nov. '97 issue of MacAddict magazine sj has "Revamped Apple's board of directors." In an agressive move, Jobs ousted much of Apple's previous board of directors, including Mike Markkula, the long-time member who had previously wielded strong control over the board. Current members include an impressive mix of industry leaders with experience in marketing, sales, finance, company turn-arounds, and dealing with the Far East. - Entered 3/98.
Apple's Board of Directors should take responsibility for their company's disasters. Sometimes it seems like the only people in the world who really want the MacOS to die work for Apple. They license the OS, and then refuse to let big players into the market. They won't license PowerBook designs. They quibble over money with the licensees who are keeping their market share from sinking even more. They drag their feet on CHRP because it means they won't have to approve every design any more. They lose money quarter after quarter, while other Mac hardware makers like Power Computing are in the black. And perhaps worst of all, they sell huge chunks of their own holdings in the company, demonstrating that even they don't really think it can succeed. - Entered 7/97. #15 - Vote=1 - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! As reported in the Nov. '97 issue of MacAddict magazine sj has "Revamped Apple's board of directors." In an agressive move, Jobs ousted much of Apple's previous board of directors, including Mike Markkula, the long-time member who had previously wielded strong control over the board. Current members include an impressive mix of industry leaders with experience in marketing, sales, finance, company turn-arounds, and dealing with the Far East. - Entered 3/98.
Apple needs Steve Jobs to get over it, and get back in the boat, - THANKS Steve!, THANKS Apple! (Steve is now on the Board of Directors) - Entered 8/97 - as CEO. Quick! (He can again be the vision and soul of the company.) - Entered 7/97. #16 - Vote=1 - THANKS Steve! - THANKS Apple! ("Apple Computer names Jobs interm chief executive NEW YORK (AP) - Apple Computer Inc. said today it hopes to have a new chief executive officer by year's end and disclosed that its new board has formally named Steve Jobs interim CEO...") - Entered 9/97 - (Yes! - Ed.)
Apple should have a consumer advocate on the Board of Directors, someone to act as an ombudsman for the little guys. They should also have a teacher to look out for Apple Education's best interests. - Entered 8/97. #17 - Vote=1
Apple should not lie down with Microsoft. The Apple-Microsoft agreement and the betrayal of clone partners has left me sick. I cannot see, for the life of me, why Steve jobs thinks this is the way to bring the proper spirit back to Apple. As Apple's identity is stripped before our very eyes, I declare on behalf of all Apple users that we are not feeling very spirited - not very spirited at all. - Entered 9/97. #18 - Vote=1
Apple: The issue of cloning has always been a controversial one. Jobs may be right to think that clones can only cannibalize - not expand - Apple sales, but it would be awfully sad to look back 10 years from now at the strides a company such as Power Computing has made - and the steps it took that pushed Apple into making better, faster, less expensive products - only to find that the company no longer existed, that Apple forced it out of the market. You know what goes around comes around, -and usually bites you on the ass. It seems to me that we are just making more and more enemies. This sounds more like a Microsoft move than an Apple move, let's hope Steve knows what he is doing. - Entered 9/97. #19 - Vote=1
Apple: Re Purchase of Power Computing, Inc.: Optimists will say Apple can use Power Computing's innovations to fight Windows, sell direct & gain market share. Pessimists will realize that Steve Jobs is simply killing competition so he can overcharge customers again. Read my lips and repeat after me: Competition is good. Monopoly is bad. Competition is good. Monopoly is bad. It's true for Windows. It's true for Macintosh too. (Guess we haven't learned our lesson yet. Huh? - But in all fairness, sj claims he is now fighting for Apple's survival, so I guess you sometimes have to weigh and adopt the lesser of two evils. - Ed.) - Entered 9/97. #20 - Vote=1
The World-Wide Campaign to Draft
Steve Jobs as Apple's New CEO
We Won't Take No For An Answer!!
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