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Welcome to Nico Michael's Web Site!


This website   encapsulates My personal Web page ,  the  home page of the Pretoria Computer Club  (Gauteng South Africa) and also  Nico's Visual Basic  Page.



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Enter My Home Page  
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) The Pretoria Computer Club Home Page 
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Nico's   Visual Basic    Page
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) SQL    Structured Query Language Reference Page
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) HTML    Reference   Page
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Visit this site for a nice HTML   Tutorial
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Java Language    Reference   Page
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) UML OOA / OOD   Reference   Page
    UML     :- Universal Modeling Language
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) e-Business Analysis & Design & Java Development Example

Project for Java Training Course

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Visit this site for a nice XML   Tutorial
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes)    Nico's Introduction to the Art of Computer Programming
WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Nico's  Links for the Computer Enthusiast

Visit our Church's Pages

WB01339_.gif (896 bytes) Orthodox Archbishopric of Johannesburg and Pretoria

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Last modified: May 10, 2001
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