The MIDI Collector's Home Page

Last update: 2/8/2000
What's New?
For those of you with old browsers, guess what? You've found a frame-free, Java-free site! Plus, the Crescendo applets have old-style backups for non-ActiveX browsers! Enjoy the site! Best viewed with at least 800x600.
Looking for a particular tune? E-mail me with your request and I will either find it or write it! No charge!
The MIDI Collector is seeking to expand his inventory! E-mail me if you have any to submit. List what files you have to offer in the message, and I will try to respond within 48 hours. Proper credit will be given to donors if the submission is used on the site.
Greetings, mortal... you are visitor number to visit this world in its current incarnation...

Stuff On This Site

Site Description
Find out about the site maintainer
My chocobo!!!
Some of my favorite links!
Pictures and Movies
Music and MIDI
RPG list
Playlist Unlimited -- an excellent Windows program
MIDI Features -- These are like the title page, where I write something to go with a particular file.
Check out AFE, where I like to write my games! (i.e. AURORA STAR!)
I strongly recommend visiting this link if you like RPG games!
I'm a Pokémon Trainer!

On the all-powerful Scorpion Army, I am Kupoppa, rank Top Boss!
Tell them that I recruited you if you go!
Save the Beasts!
Campaign member

I hope you have Crescendo... it just makes this place that much cooler!

Legal jazz
This site and all its contents are copyright to their respective authors. This site is in no way affiliated with Square or any other company mentioned in the text. Everything not already copyrighted to someone else on this site is (c) Adam Higerd 1997-98.
I got my site and my e-mail address from the guys at Get your own Free Home Page! I did.

Questions or comments about my site? Feel free to e-mail me at