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It's me again

uppose nobody missed my stupid sentences here. But I'm going to start it over. I have nothing to share except my own stupidity, but I can not help writing.

Since I've got my new job I stopped to add something to content of this site. Still having no idea how to write in English I'm writing almost without breaks. I hope the English classes I'm taking part in will help me to get better. I hope as well that now you can at least understand what I'm talking about at this very moment. That's enough. It's good place to practice my language skills. If somebody find it worthy and reads a couple of pages, I'll be glad. If I ever know it.

I think most of the pages here will be somehow connected to women. Why you may ask. Because I'm mad about them. They are better part of humanity. And I'll try to prove this right here. With all small talent I have. I'll place my drawings and possibly collages here. Some of them may have "NUDE CONTENT" as they call it. But I'll try to inform if link leads to such content. I suppose that beauty can not hurt anyone, but I'll try to follow "the rules".

My publication will be so sporadic as they can only be, so please do not look for any kind of consistency on this very site. It's feature by design to be a reflection of my scattered mind. The one nobody will ever call "beautiful".

I don't know what has pushed me to write down my thoughts again. May be it's city melting in evening sun's rays. Waving its last greeting and looking as ocean-ship in the middle of nowhere. Attracting youngsters like fire attracts butterflies, often the end of the night has same result: burnt wings and messed mind. Every big city is to feed itself by young souls and bodies.

So let's start:

P. S.
Please don't be surprised to see here and there little "parts" of favorites of mine. I'll place here a lot of picture for you to see what do I like in this very life.

I'm repeating again that I promise to inform you if there is at least an allusion to nude content.

All thoughts and jokes provided AS IS without any warranty