To connect all the MSX-stuff to one MSX we had not enough slots in the machine. That's why I developped this slotexpander. It is equipped with 4 real MSX-subslots and another 4 simple I/O-slots. Most of the new designed adapters for MSX are adressed as easy I/O cards. Only cards with own roms on it has to connected through real MSX-subslots. For example the IDE Interface developped by Henrik Gilvad needs to be connected to a subslot while the Graphics 9000, also developped by Henrik may be connected to an I/O slot. This card was developped with EASYTRAX from Protel. As You can see, EASYTRAX is strong enough to do such jobs. With about 600 holes and 50 components it is not an easy card. It is manufactured not on my plotter but in a professional manufactury for PCBs. Because it is a doublesided card and we had to build more then 2 cards I was no longer able to do this yob in my familys bathroom. :-)) One of the two prototypes we made is in use for now about 1 Year in my 19" rack. It is designed in this shape to fit not only in PC-boxes but also in such 19" housings. It is equipped with a powersource connector to connect directly PC power supplys. This is important because every adapter connected to an MSX may consumpt a maximum fo 300 Ma. So It is possible to have a totaly consumption from about 2400 Ma. Aditional power may be required by harddisks, CD_roms and other peripherials. Want to know more about MSX-stuff from Switzerland? Slotexpander, IDE interface, Graphiccard, Digitizer or soundcard? Visit as the new real MSX-server in Switzerland.

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