Sexy Analyzer v2.0 News
Argh! (08/14/99)
I can't believe how long it's been... anyway, needless to say I have stopped
working on version 2 for a bit. I got distracted with another project.
I do plan on getting version 2 to a releasable state as soon as I'm done
working on the project I am now busy with. Find
out what it is I am currently working on.
I'll just take a moment to apologize to everyone waiting for version
2. I just hope it will still be worth all this wait.
More Features (02/14/99)
Lately I've been adding more features. The latest features are the
Smoke effect from v1 and the Waves effect. About the only suggestions
not yet implemented are:
drawing scales
automatically load a selected profile when switch to window shade mode
full screen display
logarithmic bars
The only feature that won't be implemented in the first public release
is Full Screen mode. I need to find a good book on DirectX (specifically
DirectDraw). There's a chance I won't add an oscilloscope, but in
my mind it doesn't seem too hard to do so it may still be put in.
On the down side the drawing is not always proper depending on the height
of the window. I thought I successfully fixed this problem a while
ago... apparently not 100%.
General Cleanup (01/28/99)
I've been spending a good amount of time fixing up loose ends. In
other words, trying to prevent the plugin from ever crashing, mostly be
not letting you do things you shouldn't and making sure values can never
go out of the intended range. Basically a lot of grunt work which
is turning out to be more work than I thought. The Waves and Smoke
effects (as seen in v1.61) still aren't implemented. I'd like to have those
going for the initial release so that v2 really does include everything
v1 has.
The plugin has almost become something that is not for the basic user
when you start fiddling with all the options. However, I expect people
will spend the time to make some really cool profiles.
And let me point out once again, profiles are saved individually.
I hope to have a few bundled with the plugin as well as having some available
for download, so anyone intimidated by all the options and effort it takes
to make a profile can simply enjoy what others have done.
Skins support almost done (01/19/99)
Support for skins is almost done. Here's how it works:
A profile can be loaded based on what skin is currently loaded and/or
you can select a skin to be automatically loaded with a profile.
The last skin support to add will be profiles bundled with skins. The
idea is to let skins authors bundle one or more profiles with a skin which
can automatically be loaded based on settings saved with the skin without
interfering with settings users may have set (using the options described
above). I expect this to be completed by tomorrow.
UI Done (01/14/99)
I got completely distracted over the holidays and got no work done. Anyway,
the user interface is pretty much done, and profile loading and saving
is done. The Colour Factory could use a little more work right however.
If a change is made to the analyzer bar layout, then you'll have to redo
the whole palette (all the colours). On the bright side there is a bitmap
export and import feature.
The reflection effect currently isn't working 100%, so at the very least
I want to fix that before any public release.
I also want to add support for skins. I plan to make it possible for
skins authors to bundle profiles with their skins, and also let you choose
a default profile for a skin.
UI Close to to 50% (11/13/98)
All I can say is that I'm still finding time here and there to work on
the plugin. The tedious part of the user interface is using
and learning how to use all the windows controls.
However, the plugin is pretty cool so far even not being able to edit
colours yet. I've mentioned before about how you can stack
any number of effects and it didn't take me long to discover even adding
2 sets of peak indicators is kinda cool.
UI Hell (11/02/98)
Still working on the user interface... it's taking me longer than I thought,
partly because I'm new to using certain window controls, and partly because
the UI design easily allows me to add new features. So all my hard
work now should pay off when it's done.
Another point of interest: I recently replaced my Gravis Ultrasound
with a Sound Blaster Live and noticed an increase in performance for the
more demanding Winamp plugins. I'm getting such great performance
with Sexy v2 on my system I'm almost scared to see it run on a P2 400 or
450MHz system.
Back to work (10/15/98)
Needless to say I took a bit of a break on my development work. But
anyway, the good news is that once again I'm working away at getting Sexy
2.0 to a releasable state. What that means is I'm working on
the user interface (all the config screens). I'm still short
on a few of the features I want to get put in, but I simply want get something
out that people can start to use.
Anyway, I spent almost all day and got a good amount done, but when
I think about it, I'm about a 5th of the way done the mandatory stuff before
a public release. So unfortunately there's lots more to do for the
configuring, and then I'll add Load/Save. I expect a full day
to get Loading and Saving fully working, so the bulk of the work is the
rest of the configuring dialogs... The Colour Factory will likely take
a while.
It will be worth the wait! I was impressed with how creative people
got with the colours in Sexy v1. When Sexy v2 is released, be prepared
to clean out your mouse and load up your favorite paint program. ;-)
You Asked for it (08/28/98)
Believe it or not I'm still plugging away at the plugin. About the
number one requested feature to add was to make the analyzer keep updating
when you stop/pause the music. The other big feature people want
is to flip the drawing, so the bars can draw bottom up or top down.
Lastly, a few people wanted the plugin to be stand alone (so you can minimize
Winamp) and keep it on top. Well, you asked for it, so you got it.
Also fully working is the peaks...
The biggest chore ahead is the dreaded user interface... But even before
I get that done I think I'd like to get a couple people testing the plugin.
Oh yeah, and diving into DirectDraw... I think I promised a Full Screen
mode (another big request item) but I'm at the point where I really want
people to enjoy what I have done now.
Features are coming (08/01/98)
I've got a plain peak indicator working, and a couple styles of the fade
shadow effect in place. Right now I'm trying to put priority into getting
the peak indicators fully implemented, as in having all kinds of styles
and effects for them. The problem is deciding the most efficient design
to implement. Like in Sexy v1.61, the peaks can have different motion styles
and colour styles. What will be new is having different effects, like embossed
peaks... but I'll go beyond that even. The bottom line is that once I finalize
on a design for the peaks, it will take no time to add them in... the fade
shadow effect didn't take long at all to add and in fact I already put
in an embossed variation of the fade shadow. I actually tend to spend more
time making up reasonable looking default colours than adding features.
More design changes (07/26/98)
I mentioned below that the grid works... well not 100%. The colours are
sometimes slightly off depending on the grid block size and window height.
It's very noticeable with coloured mirrors and reflections (even though
it's only ever out by 1 pixel). In short it just looks wrong sometimes.
However, I'm going to put it off and start putting more features and effects
in. While thinking about features I want to add I realized that the rendering
engine needs modified slightly. Once I know everything is nailed down (feature
wise) then I'll worry about fixing up the grid colours and making the window
look nice. In that sense there's not too much work... but then I remember
the user interface... ugh... even colour editing will be a bit of a challenge...
in order to keep saving simple and reliable, settings will be saved to
individual files.
Grid Works (07/24/98)
The grid now works. The solution turned out to be easy... I just stopped
working for a bit to think it over and the solution just came to me. My
original idea was to get the grid to resize in areas that should have it
(like in reflections) but that turns out to be harder than I thought. Right
now you can make up a grid of any size and it's the same for the whole
screen (window). I'll stay with the current design unless an obvious solution
pops in my head. As I've said, I want to start packing in more features
and effects. Not to mention the user interface needs made... still lots
of work, ugh.
Anyway, I put up another screenshot which
demonstrates stacking a reflection, and 2 mirrors. It takes a few stacked
effects like mirrors and reflections to bog down the drawing when using
a window size of 512x384. Running in smaller windows is still very fast.
For the record, my system is a Pentium Pro 233.
Good news and Bad news (07/23/98)
The bad news: It's taking me longer to get the grid working 100%... what's
so hard about a grid you may wonder? The problem is getting the blocks
to properly line up in the grid when you have multiple mirrors and/or reflections.
Remember how I said you can stack effects... like you can mirror a mirror
which has a reflection of the bars... you'll see when I get a screenshot
up. Part of the problem also is that you can naturally have the window
any height... my short term goal now is to get this working 100% by the
end of the weekend.
The good news: Runnning the analyzer in window sizes of 512x384 or 640x480
(popular full screen resolutions) shows fantastic performance. Considering
I'm using a windows GDI call to paint the frames to the screen, full screen
DirectDraw should even improve the speed. I'm considering working on the
full screen mod before I start adding more features... I have so much running
through my head I just wish the above mentioned problem didn't exist.
Almost there, maybe? (07/21/98)
Over the weekend and last night I was able to make huge progress... really
this shouldn't take me this long to code, it's just a matter of finding
time to get it done... Anyway, what's done now is basically the core design
was completely redone. The rendering engine is very fexible, but what's
gained now (compared to what I had before) is the ability to easily add
in features.
There's still some cleanup and tweaking to be done... after that I'll
verify everything is working 100%, then all that's left is adding in all
the goodies. As you know I hate setting an exact deadline, but I suspect
by the end of the week I'll be adding whatever features I can think up...
of course that means to expect screenshots.
Progress is Slow (07/13/98)
The vertical block size setting has basically thrown me off track in the
sense that it doesn't always work when you start combining multiple mirror
and/or reflection effects. This has forced me to do some rethinking and
slight redesigning. In the end it will pay off big time. For example, I
noticed that if you set the vertical block size to 4 and vertical spacing
to 2 (see the embossed blocks screenshot) and
apply the refection effect, currently the block size for the reflection
will be 4, and the vertical spacing will be 2. In other words, the reflection
looks kinda weird since the bars draw in half the space, but the spacing
and block size don't get scaled down. In the end, under the new design,
reflections will be able to scale the block size and spacing.
Once I get the core done, with mirrors and reflections working, expect
more frequent announcements on features I'll be adding and more screenshots.
The goal of Sexy v2 is going to be colour. I really want to show off what
can be done with more than 256 colours.
Screenshot Update (07/02/98)
I added a screenshot to demonstrate what is
described below. Note also that in Sexy 2 you will be able to set the grid
colour. In Sexy 1.6, the grid is always black. In the screenshots you see
the background is a solid gradient, but I do plan to have options on how
to draw the grid. If nobody sends in any god suggestions for the name,
the new analyzer will simply be called 'Sexy Analyzer v2' (so far I've
received no email with name suggestions which makes me wonder if anyone
is even reading this news page). As a reminder, I prefer a short name.
New Features (06/27/98)
A new feature that will be in the new analyzer will be a Vertical Block
Size setting. The old plugin only lets you specify vertical spacing between
each line (1 pixel high). So for example you can select a Vertical Spacing
of 2 pixels, Vertical Block Size of 4 pixels, Bar Width of 4, and say Horizontal
Spacing of 2. That would give you 4x4 pixel blocks. Now imagine an embossed
effect applied to each block... watch out for a screen shot hopefully soon,
and you'll see what I mean.
The list of drawing effects I'm focusing on are Mirror (this is working
100% right now), Reflection (working, but not quite 100%) and Fade Shadow.
A priority is also to be able to stack at least 2 sets of bars in the window,
so you could have bars for the left channel on top, and the right channel
on the bottom for example. Maybe even break up the window into 3 sections
so you can see a mono graph as well. :-)
Other features that should be included will be bars with different widths
(say for example thin bars in the center that get wider the closer to the
edge they are) and being able to display dotted bars (to mimic displays
on stereos). Thanks to Ossian Ericson for these 2 suggestions. Lastly the
option to draw the bars top down (instead of bottom up).
Unfortunately it's way too early to estimate a release date. The second
last item to work on will be loading & saving and the user interface
will be the last thing I work on. In other words, once all the core features
work I'll have a better idea of when this thing will be out. Lastly, I'm
trying to think up a new name. Sexy isn't the right word since this new
analyzer will be so versatile and powerful. Any suggestions for the name
are welcome. I prefer something simple like "Extreme Analyzer" or whatever.
News about the upcoming v2.0 release (06/22/98)
If you think v1.60 is Sexy... just wait till v2.0. Just to let you know
I am working on a new version. It's completely rebuilt from scratch. So
what's the big deal? For starters you'll be able to 'stack' (combine) drawing
effects. Bars (wider than one pixel) will be able to have effects applied
to them, like how bout embossed bars to give 'em a 3D look... You'll be
able to lay out the bars to analyze the left channel in the top half of
the window and right channel in the bottom (of course the older style will
still be available). Full screen mode should eventually be added... but
what about speed... well you'll just have to wait and see.
Check out a screenshot of Sexy Analyzer 2
Also I forgot to mention earlier that non-linear bars are supported.
In other words, more bars can cover the lower end of the spectrum than
the high end.