Gary Crow

We live in a world filled with discontinuities. What business methods worked in one climate can become quickly obsolete as the accepted underpinnings of business models are revised; witness the changing dynamics and impact of the Internet. The vigilant are constantly scanning the horizon, trying to anticipate the unexpected shocks and adapt to these new realities.

If you have a need to apply Information Technology (IT) to fulfill company plans or adapt to a changed landscape, read on. Gary Crow, an experienced professional in information systems technology offers an ability to understand and define requirements first from a business perspective, and then translate to and execute the necessary steps to create effective systems. Gary's skills focus is in the areas of:

  • Project Management
  • Business Systems Analysis / Systems Engineering

To get further detail on Gary's background please take a few moments to retrieve his resume. Several formats are available depending on the software you have on your workstation. Click on the particular format you wish to receive his resume in. For additional information on these formats, see Downloading and Printing Questions. A file in the PDF format may be viewed and printed from a workstation using the freely available Acrobat Reader software from Adobe Systems.

Samples of his work may also be retrieved here.

To contact Gary directly, telephone him at (310) 202-0792 or ....

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Updated September, 2001
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