Hannah Elizabeth McColl

Last updated: January 25th, 2000
Added picture page #6.

The Photo Pages

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 - Hannah turns 2! Page 6 - Christmas 1999 Page 7 - Spring 2000

First contact. Ultra-sound at 10 weeks.

Hannah, still at the hospital, less than a day old.

Same as above, just a facial close up!

Standard hospital picture.

Sitting on Grandma Addington's lap, looking cross-eyed.

I'm awake! Pick me up! I'm too cute to be left in my crib!

Back to sleep, mom and dad can take a break now.

Go to my Daddy's page!

Author: Scott T. McColl<mccoll@geocities.com>
Thanks to Rich Woodland for scanning these pictures.