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Name Description Status
MAPI2CSV MAPI output to CSV - this tool will use MAPI to extract all the messages from your inbox, and put them into a CSV file (the attachments are extracted and placed in a sub directory). Why CSV? Because MS Outlook (w/ ValuPack) can output to CSV, but without Date or Attachments handled. So I wanted to write something for people to use to get their mail, without having to own MS Outlook.


CSV2UnixMail Well, after writing the MAPI to CSV output program (which I did in MSVB, and not in BCB because VB has better documentation of the MAPI OCX), I wrote this program, to take a CSV from either my CSV output program, or from MS Outlook CSV output. The point of this program was to allow the users to convert the CSV to use with any mail program. Not that all mail programs can use this file directly, but most of them have convertion procedures from Unix/Pine mail. Just look at the mail box convertion page.


MultiTool A tool to do many things that I think are useful, via plugins:
  • Search & Replace in filenames - [Example: change every "hte" to "the"].
  • Do actions [delete, run a program, move, etc.]on files according to a set of rules:
    • By Date [older than 2 weeks, newer than X, made on date X]
    • By Name [name contains string, starts/ends with string, returns TRUE on an expression]
    • By Contents [file starts/ends with, byte in file has value of X at position Y]
  • Append / Prepend to filenams
  • Monitor directories and prompt for file description when there's a new file (like for "download" directories)
Abandoned. I now use Linux and Windows Commander.
Smart Site Monitor A program that will fetch URLs and store them according to rules:
  • Fetch specified URL every X [week, day] and store it.
  • Fetch an HTML, and find a URL matching an expression, and get that file [for Dilberts]
  • Fetch an HTML every X [week, day, hour] and compare it to previous copy. Extract difference into new HTML file [Great for reading news].
Abandoned. Found NewsClipper.
HTML Static Pre-processor Yes, yes - I'm aware of PHP, but it's a dynamic one. It creates the HTML files when the files are requested, changing the output on the fly. Now, that's great when you have your own server, but what about people like me, who can't pay for their own server? I just want a program to replace parts of my HTML files with the headers/footers (like the sidebar, or the copyright/legal). Or anything else I might want. It might just end up as a glorified Search & Replace, with some intelligence. Abandoned.
Got PHP to work.
Your Project Any ideas for a cool program you want written? mail me.

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