Los Angeles Council of Amateur Radio Clubs
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday,  Sept 7, 1999
1930 at the Red Cross Bldg at 2700 Wilshire, L.A.
7:30pm Room 15

September 7, Newsletter:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Walt Bacon, N6SMT at 7:30 PM. The pledge of allegiance was led by the Los Angeles Section Leader, Phineas Icenbice, W6BF.

The minutes of the May 4, 1999 meeting were read and approved after the following corrections:

    1. 160 – 190 kHz not MHz
    2. Corrections to the spelling of Los Angeles in several places.

The treasurers report was presented by Beverly Pittman, WA6TIU.

    1. She has renewed our non-profit status with the State of California, which had lapsed.
    2. Rio Hondo ARC has paid their 1999 dues
    3. The account balances are as follows:

Checking………. 550.00


Total 2,445.51


ARRL Report by Fried Heyn, WA6WZO

    1. Don’t forget the Arizona State Convention in Flagstaff on July 23-25.
    2. Don’t forget the TAPR and ARRL Digital Convention in San Diego scheduled for September 24-25
    3. Don’t forget the AMSAT Convention in San Diego on October 7-10
    4. The Central States VHF Society has petitioned the FCC for more CW and SSB spectrum an the low end of the bands.
    5. Congressional support needed for Amateur Radio Frequency Protection Act. The ARRL web site has an sample letter. Use it as a model for yours.

LA Section Report by Phineas Icenbice, W6BF.

Reminder that all Los Angeles Section VIP’s meet on Sunday mornings at 0800 to 0850 on 3965 kHz

Queen Mary Convention

Jim Pitman, WA6MVZ, is the new LAACARC Liaison with the Queen Mary Convention committee. Riley Hollingsworth is confirmed as the banquet speaker.

The Meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bacon.


Minutes Recorded by Spud Monahan K6KH