Memory Cores

The aim of this project is to develop generic synthesizable memory cores
Most of the cores are synthesized on different FPGAs and gave good results.
If you have any comments please email me.
You can find the latest version of the cores in the opencores
To use these cores of for any licensing information please contact me and check the OpenIPCore site

Memory cores 2 package contents

  • All cores are parametrizable.
  • Dual Port memory with single and dual clocks
  • Single port memory
  • ROM
  • WISHBONE interface bus for memory cores
  • FIFO buffer with single and dual clocks
  • Altera compatibal structural cores (LPM cores)
  • Please if you have any extra cores or suggestions send me an email.


    This project is one of OpenCores projects. You can download the latest vhdl source files from OpenCores CVS by using the memory_cores and memory_cores2 modules name.

    Links to other memory cores and tips

    Last update 1 June, 2001