Solaris on Compaq Servers

Here are the docs I currently have on installing Solaris on Compaq Servers:
loading_solaris_8.html Some general instructions on installing Solaris 8 on Compaq Servers, I have not had a chance to personally test these instructions yet.
solaris8dca.html Additional instructions on installing Solaris 8 on Compaq Servers.
sol8inst.html General install notes of Solaris 8 on Compaq Servers.
solwalkthru.html Screen by screen walk through of a Solaris 8 install on a DL360 by Warren Weeden.
sol7walkthru.html Screen by screen walk through of a Solaris 7 install on a DL580 using the SA-221 with a Raid 0 configuration and Smart Start 4.90, ROC chip (integrated array controller) was removed. By Ben Sundet.