Reading the HP48 News Groups comp.sys.hp48, comp.sources.hp48, comp.sys.hp48, comp.sys.hp48.d, (not all NGs are available in all areas) I find that a lot of "newbies" and pro's have trouble downloading their ROM to a PC. I had trouble when I first started. Not that I am a PRO now, but I am familiar with both the SX and the GX. I am not a PRO at Operating Systems either but I can get around. The point that I'm trying to make is that I know a way of downloading your HP48's ROM to your Computer. There might be other ways but this one works just fine.
To start off, I am assuming that you have an HP48, you have access to a computer, you are running Windows 95, you have a serial cable to connect your HP to your PC and that you have already downloaded an emulator with a 'ROMDump' utility in it. (WinNT and Win3.1 users: You should be able to follow these instructions -- Just use your noodle)
If you need an emulator with a ROMDump utility, you can download this one that contains all the files you will need or go directly to Emu48's official home page. Emu48 is a freeware HP48 emulator for Windows 95 and Windows NT
Once you download these files, extract them to find the ROMDump utility
First, your HyperTerminal
Now, we need to save our session in case something goes wrong and we have to start the terminal again. All your settings will be saved this way.
We now need to set your calculators settings
For the S/SX and G/GX:
On your PC, make sure the HyperTerminal is still connected or online
From the terminal's menu, under "Transfer" select "Send
We need to find the file called "ROMDump" on your hard drive.
(NOTE: You should have already extracted this file from the "".
You can download this file from my site or go directly to
Emu48's official home page).
Select "Browse" from the pop-up window and
look for this file in your hard drive. When found, double click on
it. This brings you back to the "Send File" window
NOTE: This file has no extension. It is just called "ROMDump"
In the event that nothing happened, then something went (the obvious) wrong with the settings. Review all settings and check your physical connections. You cannot proceed beyond this point until you have successfully upload this file to your HP.
Once you have uploaded this file, press the "On" button on your calculator.
Now, we need to ensure your calculator is in Hexadecimal base mode. To do this,
press "MTH", "BASE", "HEX" and then return to your Variable directory mode by pressing "VAR".
Type in the following:
For the S/SX
For the G/GX
Note: The "0" above stand for zero and pay special attention to the CAP letters
At this point, we need to set HyperTerminal to receive data.
At first, nothing will happen but as soon as you press "ROMDUMP" from
the menu on your calculator, you will see on your computer a list of addresses
that looks like this: "00EF0:000000A9F0031000"
It is very important that you do not interfere with the download process.
It can corrupt the actual ROM from your calculator or the file you're downloading.
Shut off your screen saver before you begin to download and close all programs.
This will take about 15 minutes on the S/SX, 30 minutes on the G/GX.
When done, press "STOP" from the Transfer / Capture menu and send me $5.00 for helping you out. ...just kidding.
So you have a copy of your ROM in your computer... What next?
You should have a file about 1,573,862 bytes for the SX and 1,572,864 bytes for the GX. Emu48 by Sebastien Carlier, requires that you convert your ROM using the "Convert.exe" utility found in the "" file (the same archive that contains the ROMDump utility).
For simplicity purposes, let's call the file you extracted from your calculator
"raw.rom". Move "raw.rom" to the same folder that contains the "Convert.exe" file.
Start DOS (Oh-oh, did I say DOS? ...yes, DOS!) and navigate your way to that same folder. Type in
We are now done with the hard stuff!
Now, Make sure this file is in the same directory as your emulator and start the emulator.
Select the KLM script you prefer. Obviously, if you have a G model, select a G KLM script version
("Casey's Sx/Gx with Toolbar and Touch Screen" are my favorite from the default selection).
A second window will pop-up, read the info, DESELECT "Always" from the bottom left to avoid this
window in the future. When the emulator finally starts, it will ask you if you want
to recover your memory. Select "NO" since it is the first time you run this program.
I suggest you save this session as soon as possible so that you have a memory to
recover in case things go wrong.
...and that is all there is to it.
However, I must mention, the procedure above is for Win95 only. For Windows 3.1 or NT users, most of it applies except when I refer to the HyperTerminal setup procedure. E mail me with your questions regarding download procedures for these operating systems. Do not email me for Emu48 questions.
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Updated 1/15/98