  • Family pictures
  • My favorits stereograms

  • Download
  • My tetris game, written in C for Win
  • My multichat, client/server application, written in Java
    (Both files are exe archives. Download the files and run the archives. You can find sources and executables files.)
  • Links
  • JavaScript tutorials & cool sites
         JavaScript 3.0 Guide
         JavaScript 4.0 Guide, a handbook for programmers
        JavaScript Sample Code
        Additional JavaScript Resources
        DevEdge Online - JavaScript
  • Dynamic HTML tutorials & cool sites
        Htmlguru, cool dhtml demo
        Dynamic HTML Zone, a cool dhtml site
        A cool dhtm site
        A top of dhtml sites
  • Java resources
        A very good book for Java, online, by Bruce Eckel
        Cafe au Lait Java FAQs, News, and Resources
  • Perl resources
        The CGI/Perl Cookbook
        Dale Bewley's 'cookie-test' Perl Script
  • Links
  • Graphics
        Gimp, a image processing software for Linux
        GIMP Tutorials!
        Gimp tips, tricks, and more...
        Photo Shop tips and tricks...
  • Linux software and informations
        The Linux Documentation Project
        The Network Administrators' Guide
        Frequently Asked Questions and HOWTOs
        Linux NET-3-HOWTO, Linux Networking
  • Windows software
  • Others
        Books online(free)
        Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  • Robert Gheorghe's doc resume

    [back to first page]

    Last modified 1999. If you find a bad link, please tell me at