Creatures 2 @doption Center
Manager of Adoption Center: Jonathan Beebe
Last Updated: 5/18/2000
Are you ready to Adopt Your very own Creature?
<One of the Fastest Creatures Adoption Services on the Net!>
Your probably wondering why I don't just post up Creatures to Download off of this website instead of making you write an Email telling me what kind you want and all that. Well, the reason why I don't just post them for people to download is to ensure that everyone gets exactly the creature they want. If I posted them up for people to download, then your choices of what creature you get is very, very limited. That may be the answer to one of your questions. Scroll down the Website to @dopt the exact Creature you've been looking for!
<How to Adopt>
To adopt a Creature, click here or just email me at In the Email, include the details below:
1. Norn/Ettin/Grendel
2. If Norn, what kind?
3. What is Your Email
4. What you want to name it
5. If you have a Webpage, what is it?
There. That's all the info You need to include in the Email. After you send the Email, check your Email frequently because that is how I, Jonathan BeEbe, will send the Adopted creature to you. Thank You for Adopting a Creature from the Creatures 2 Adoption Center!
<How to Submit Your Creature>
To submit your creature, just save it to an email as an attachment and send it to or by clicking here. We need all the creatures you can give us. Once again, thank you for your help in supporting us!
<Help or info>
If you are having trouble with Creatures 2 and need some help, just email me, and I will be happy to give you just the right info you need. Thanks for visiting!
<Comments or Questions>
If you have a problem, suggestion, or a comment about his site or the C2 @doption Center, then feel free to Email Me at to tell me. Thank you for your help!
To Help the Adoption Center grow, please provide a link to this site on your Webpages! If you put a link to this site on your Webpage, then email me the link to your Webpage and if it has a link to this site, I will put a link to your site on this page! Thank You very, very much!