A few things I’m working on......

Beats, the interference of sine waves

Beats - yet another 2 minute applet. Demonstrates the interference of two sine waves of differing phase and frequency.

JOrrery N-body simulator

JOrrery simulates the motion of planets moving under gravity. It comes with a number of initial "scenarios" you can run, such as "The solar system", "Earth & Moon" etc. You can also add more planets during a simulation. JOrrery allows you to create a number of different views on the universe, either as graphical views focussed on different planets, or text views giving the planets coordinates in space.

JSnoop web traffic monitor

JSnoop Allows you to sneakily observe the web sites visited by someone, and the data sent back by the web server. It relies on you being somewhere where a proxy server is in use, being able to change the victim's browser settings (or run a simple script on their machine). And it won't help you if the data is encrypted...that would be naughty anyway.

Really sad stuff

An applet to calculate the odds of winning battles in Risk.

Some JavaBeans


BeanPeeler is a utility to create property sheets to allow a user to edit a bean. Simply pass it your bean and it is introspected and up pops a dialog.

X-Y Chart Bean

There are lots of these about, but what makes this one special is it's free. Since I'm not trying to relieve anyone of any money for it it's fairly basic, but it works. You can add as many data sets as you like, add titles, change the axis scales or have them set for you. Help yourself.

Some fractal applets

Starting with the Sierpinsky triangle.

Advection-Diffusion Simulator

This small program solves the equation

in a square. You can add "blobs" of warm or cold fluid in "real time" and also change the underlying velocity field. It uses the simplest possible numerical scheme: explicit upwinding so it has a lot of numerical diffusion in it even before you add "real" diffusion. As soon as diffusion is added the program almost grinds to a halt as the more stringent timestep restriction causes the timestep to plummet.

Click here to download the program. [Updated 14/7/99]

Here's the same front end used for something more pointless: Game of Life

Assorted stuff

A demo of how to use an applet to link to a page and "fool" the server into not knowing which page you came from.

Links to vaguely scientific applets that I wish I'd written

The famous SODACONSTRUCTOR - Meccano for the new millennium.

A Mandelbrot set viewer

Anyone for chaos?.

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