Thoughts on religion

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Religion and Life

There was a time when I used to think that religion was a human fantasy.That it was engendered by the human fear for the known and the unknown. Maybe its origin was not as one would want it to be, but it had developed into a vast sphere of thoughts which could give man some answers,however vague they are, regarding why he is here, what he should do as long as he is here and why should he not press the exit button on his own.

I used to brag that the messiahs and prophets, arrogating that they were here to save mankind (I wonder why there is mankind and no womankind), never saved the world but created further segregation among the already jingoistic humans. 'Cause after all these years men are exactly as they were before the greats came. 'Cause technology advanced by leaps and bounds bringing with it the material comforts like never before, but still we cannot think beyond an omnipotent somebody or an ubiquitous energy which may or may not have control over what happens in our daily lives, when asked about god. This level of thought is in no way superior to that of the ancient tribesmen who worshipped air or fire.

But I have changed a bit over the past few years, and may change again though I hope not. I will agree that religion today has degenerated into something that is used to incite more hate than love, as it preaches to be. But I am not able to rule it out as an illusion anymore. Life is not what it seems to be, when we run after things. The popular definitions of the good, the bad and the ugly are not true. There is a lot more to life, more beyond than within its span. These days I have more respect for a man who is undergoing suffering than for a succesful marketing executive who says anything but what he believes in. 'Cause suffering cleanses you. You have to realize what you are. That, is the goal of life. You don't have to leave everything in search of the truth. That is not what life is meant to be. You have to do what you do now, but at the sametime know, if not realize, that this is not what it is. A pain might take you further ahead the road, than a spurious feeling of enjoyment caused by talking trash when on a high after a success. They say you are god, the paramatma, in the form of jeevatma. Your aim is to realize that you are god. There are different roads to it. Religion is the guide for that. Do what you do, detached, not worrying about the results. Some say winning is not everything, it is the only thing. I beg to differ. Yes winning is everything. But do you want to be myopic or see the ultimate win. Victory of the soul. Even when it's just as close to its destination as we are to the sun, there is no feeling like it. Ever felt different when you entered a temple or church or any other holy place, a peace that overpowered all the worries. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Want the real thing? I want it. When I say that, it could be like a kid born without legs yearning to be the next Michael Jordan.

When I had written in this same place earlier about how I despised religion, my writings portrayed a certain conviction, a certain strength, a certain proud, at least a certain certainty. I don't feel that in this page anymore. I look lost. I hope this is a beginning.

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