As you can see I'm a bit of a collector of old home computers. Click on the name to get more info on the computer.

I started my collection back in 1984 with a ZX81 with 16K RAM, 1 year later my parents bought me a second-hand ZX-Spectrum with which I spent many, many hours. The next computer that I got was a real IBM-clone: a Schneider PC1512.

After that all went wrong, I just kept upgrading and upgrading. So now I have a Pentium II Celeron 400Mhz system with 64Mb RAM, two 13,6Gb harddiscs and 16Mb video memory. But I have to admit, I still enjoy machines like C64, MSX and ZX-Spectrum more than the ultra-megabyte-blahblah PC.

I'm revising my site, I'm including software as well. It will take a while (forever?) to complete all the scans, but eventually they will be all there. Until then, the software section is far from complete.


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