L A U R A   J.  B R A D L E Y
Professional Resumé

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McMurry University
Abilene, TX
Bachelor of Business Administration, Cum Laude 
Conferred Dec.'04
Concentration: Multimedia Applications Minor: Computer Science
GPA: 3.68

9/06 - 5/07
FLYNN ENTERPRISES - Accounts Payable & Human Resources
Hopkinsville, KY
Accounts Payable, Human Resources, and Worker's Compensation Clerk
  •  Processing accounts payable for trim, piece goods, and utilities
  •  Serving as the back-up operator
  •  Investigating and processing worker’s compensation claims
  •  Organizing and facilitating monthly safety meetings
  •  Conducting monthly safety inspections to ensure that plants meet OSHA standards
6/05 - 8/06
CENTURY CAMPUS HOUSING - McMurry Residence Partnership
Abilene, TX
Managing Director
  •  Management of two buildings comprising a 302 bed complex including supervision of 2 professional and
     9 para-professional staff.
  •  Database management of student housing data and accounting records.
  •  Conducting training including emergency, OSHA, and resident assistant training
  •  Reporting, including daily and weekly occupancy status and monthly operations overviews, accounts  receivables and variance reports
  •  Contracted vendors and managed the facilities’ maintenance needs including work orders and preventative
     maintenance schedules
  •  Adjudicating students exhibiting recalictrant behavior
  •  Serving as part of a montly 24-hour duty rotation to assist in emergency situations and serious incidents
3/01 - 6/05
McMURRY UNIVERSITY - Student Affairs
Abilene, TX
Secretary to the Dean of Students & Apartment Coordinator (4/02-6/05)
Secretary for Counseling & Career Services
  •  Assign new student apartments, renew leases, check-in/check-out, organize apartment information  sessions and health & saftey inspections, and address maintenance needs
  •  Database management of student information including housing, judicial, student organization, and  parking permit records.
  •  Conduct periodic floor plan reviews with each hall director to ensure accuracy of billing for  student  housing
  •  Complile weekly occupancy reports and bi-annual retention reports; sort data from the ALPHA system  that contains student information for use in reporting
  •  Supervise, train, and schedule 1 - 2 student workers each semester
  •  Assist alumni, faculty, staff, students and their parents with needs, questions, and concerns
  •  Create and update webpages for 15 Student Affairs departments and 5 student organizations and
     publish the Student Affairs Monthly Online Newsletter
  •  Created, updated, and organized placement files and job announcements
  •  Answered phones, scheduled appointments, and assisted alumni, faculty, staff, and students  and their  parents with needs, questions, and concerns
  •  Proctored for ACT, THEA, ASE, correspondence students, and make-up exams
3/00 - 10/00
CompUSA:  Sales Specialist
Abilene, TX
6/99 - 12/99
Wal-Mart Supercenter: Cashier
Hopkinsville, KY
4/96 - 9/98
KFC: Shift Supervisor/Cashier
Hopkinsville, KY

Operating Systems: MS Windows 3x - XP, NT, & 2000; some experience with Linux and Unix
Computer Languages: QBASIC, C++, Java, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML
Software: MS Office Applications (Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, Power Point, and FrontPage), Paint Shop Pro 5-8, Dreamweaver 2 - MX, Macromedia Flash MX, BladePro, FTP, Tera Term Pro (ALPHA), Adobe Acrobat, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla
SWACUHO Conference, February 2006
Served on the following professional committees for McMurry:
  •  Strategic Planning, Spring 05
  •  Staff/Administrators Council, Fall 04-Present
  •  Computer Users, Fall 02-Present
  •  Website Review, Fall 02-Present
  •  Multimedia Program Review, Spring 03
  •  RA Selection, Fall 02 & Fall 03
  •  Communications, Spring 02
    Microsoft Access Training, August 2003
    South Central Poise User's Group Conference, April 2003
    "The Indispensible Assistant" Seminar, September 2002
    Telephone Skills Workshop, June 2001
    Customer Service and Detail Oriented; Strong Organizational Skills
    Leasing Super-Star, Century Campus Housing, Fall 05
    Outstanding Performance Award, McMurry Enrollment Management & Student Relations Dept., Spring 04
    Who's Who Among Students In American Universities and Colleges, Spring 04
    Secretary for Omicron Delta Kappa, National Scholarship Honor Society, Spring-Fall 04 (member since Fall 02)
    Member of Alpha Chi, National Scholarship Honor Society, Spring 02-Present
    Contributing Writer for the McMurry War Whoop Newspaper, Fall 02-Fall 04
    P.A.C.E. Peer Counselor, Spring 02
    Mentor for the McMurry STARS Program, Spring 02-Spring 03
    McMurry Dean's Honor Roll, Fall 01-Fall 04
    McMurry Dean's List, Fall 00-Spring 01
    National Dean's List 2000-2001, Summer 01
    CompUSA's "Whatever It Takes" Customer Service Employee of the Month, September 2000
    Available upon reqest from McMurry University - Career Services Office
    McMurry Station Box 657  Abilene, TX  79697 ~ Phone: (325) 793-4880 ~ Fax: (325) 793-4879

    2006 A Bark Ridge Circle - Hopkinsville, KY - 42240