World's Smallest Political Quiz for PalmOS

Dedicated to Alexandra, the true Libertarian in our family (100,100) :-).

WSPQuiz is a PalmOS implementation of the "World's Smallest Political Quiz", by "The Advocates for Self Government", a U.S. libertarian organization.

The Quiz is a list of 10 questions that can be answered yes, no, and maybe, that determine a person's political stand along two axes, Personal Issues and Economic Issues. While the authors of the quiz may be partisan, the quiz itself does not seem to be; it seems to give a fairly even distribution. The quiz is aimed at U.S. voters, but is mostly applicable to issues of other countries. For more information on the Quiz, please see the Advocates' Quiz FAQ by clicking on World's Smallest Political Quiz at their Web site.

The program is written in Waba, a Java variant for small computers, and compiled with WabaJump, to make a stand-alone PalmOS application. The Waba part allows it to also be run in a normal Java applet in a Web browser. If you have Java enabled, you can try it out here.

Unfortunately you don't have Java enabled. Sorry. You can still download the PalmOS application below.

In either case, you can download it from the links below and run it on your PalmOS handheld. The "Advocates" have other versions, including a business-card sized quiz, PDF, text, computer programs for most PC systems, and an online CGI program. This site only provides the Waba PalmOS version.


WSPQuiz, zipped, about 42.3 Kbytes.

The program itself is the WSPQuiz.prc file. Unzip, then install WSPQuiz.prc - on Windows, double-clicking WSPQuiz.prc is enough to bring up the installer, so it will be installed on the next hotsync.

Besides that, the zip file contains this HTML document, the Waba language source code and class files, resource file, and the small and large icon bitmaps.


All this is free, Open Source, no warranty or guarantee whatsoever, all that. If you redistribute it, please give credit to the "The Advocates for Self Government" for the quiz text, and me for the program itself. If you change it, I would appreciate it if you told me, and sent me a copy, so I could maintain the definitive version here, but this is not strictly necessary.

For the record, I am not a Libertarian. I wrote this applet because I thought it was an interesting quiz, and for general Palm programming fun.

If you like it, sign my guestbook and say so.

George Ruban, September 2001.