---- The Red Devil´s MSX computer page ----

[You´re visitor since 14th December 2000]
[Latest update(s) done at 16th April 2003]


Welcome to TRD´s MSX homepage. This page is dedicated to the only and the best (in my opinion) 8-bit machine in the whole world, the MSX. MSX computers have fascinated me for many years and they still do, despite the huge step in computing during latest years. Despite the fact that MSX system is pretty old, posibilities of expanding it with new hardware add-ons did it probably to the only 8-bit system that got possibility of surviving. I don´t think that any possesors of other 8-bit computers ever dreamt of connecting to their obsolete machines hardware like (SCSI/IDE harddisks, 16-bit wavetable sound cards, powerfull 16-bit video cards with digitizer/genlocker etc.). Lot of former users of the MSX system did abandon it due to appearance of bigger/ faster PC machines. I did sell my msx equipment too, but it was a mistake (note: the reason wasn´t to get a PC machine or other computer). It seems that MSX is a computer that can not be replaced by any PC/other computer without lacking the ((nostalgic))-msx-feel. Though the emulator can give some people a trip back in the time, it is still not the same as a real MSX computer with all its expansion cards and other fancy stuff. I´m about rebulding my MSX system from the scratch so I´ll update the my-hardware page when I get new items. The Ultimate MSX-FAQ is now controlled by QUINTUS and he does a good job! The LINK-LIST will be updated when needed, so people plsease send upadates or new URLs. 


This page is maintained by Bjørn Boye Skjoldhammer aka The Red Devil

Feel free to mail me!


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