Welcome to my geocities help page. I will tell many of the tips and tricks to making you Geocities site look better and getting your page more popular. If you don't have one,Get one!
Click on one of these to start.
Geocities counter
Getting other help
Html Help
More info including thanking me
The File Manager
The File Manager
The file manager is usefull for many things. I will show most of the uses. click on the one you want.
Editing your pages
Copying your files
Deleting files
How to rename a file
Creating new HTML files
Uploading new stuff
Getting in the FileManager
Editing your pages
Editing you pages is simple. To edit, load up the file manager. Then click on the file(s) you wish to edit. That will bring you to the HTML page if you had one, or to the Chose only One File page if more than one. In that case, select the one you want and hit Edit Files. Then edit you page as normal. It is usually a good idea to preview to make sure your page is the way your want it to be. If you include forms when previewing, it does not work when saving. You need to hit your browsers back button. When you are done, hit save.
Copying your files
Why might you want to copy your files? If you want 2 pages similar, it works. To do it, click on te checkbox next to the file(s) you wish to copy. Then it will ask you for the new name(s) of the file(s). Finally, type the new names in and hit Copy Files.
Return to the manager screen
Deleting files
If you are getting close to the end of your space, or tired of seeing the same old files tat you never use, then you may want delete some of those useless files. To do this, click the checkbox next to the file(s) you wish to delete. Then hit delete in the buttons. As a safety measure, it will make sure you want to delete the file(s). Read the file name(s) carefully, and then hit delete files. If you don't want a file deleted, check the checkbox so it is off.
Renaming files
Yes we've all done it. Named a file a certain name, and wanted it changed. So how do we do it? First of all, check all of the checkboxes next to the files that you want to rename. Then hit rename. It will bring you a screen which has all of your file names that were checked. Type the new name for the files next to each of them, and hit rename files. It will rename your files.
Return to the filemanager screen
Creating new HTML files
To create a new HTML file, you first need to select a editor. The advanced editor is pure HTML code, the Basic does the hard part, with a section for body comands, links, a header, and a footer. The EZ editor requires no HTML knowledge. I will talk about all 3 editors seporatly as they are all completely different.
The Advanced HTML editor is where you create your pages from scrach. It starts with a blank page. You type in the file name, and build your page as you would from a normal HTML editor or program such as Notepad for Windows users.
The basic HTML editor is used for people who have some HTML knowledge, but can't build a page from scratch. Type the file name, and the page title info, page tilte, body feature, putting icons at the top, etc. For the links, type the page title and the location to link to.
The EZ editor is like the Netscape New Page Wizard. It requires JavaScript, so don't try this with old broswers. It should work with Netscape 2.0+ and MSIE 3.0+. Hit New in the File menu to start. Then set to background color, text color, etc. with the color menu. Then insert Text, seporators, links, etc. When done, goto Save As in the File menu. If you wish to continue editing, use Save afterwards.
Return to the file manager screen
Now you know how to build great looking pages by yourself. To edit, either select the same editor use used, or the Advanced editor. If you still need help, contact me and brp13@hotmail.com
Uploading new stuff
To upload files, put all of the files you want in a place you'll know where it is. Next, click on EZ upload. This will only work if you have Netscape 2.0+, or MSIE 4.0+. Click on browse. Find the place where your files are. Then click on each of your files. If it is not HTML, click on the white box where it says HTML files and change it to All Files (*.*). Then select your files, and click Upload Files.
Return to the filemanager screen
Opening the file manager
To open the file mangager, first get your username and password handy. Then goto http://www.geocities.com/members/tools/file_manager.html. There, scroll down to where it says member name and password. Type in your member name and password. If you do not want to see gifs, jpegs, or other non-html files, or even html files, then check off the file's extension that you don't want to see. Hit submit. If you maid a typo, it will ask for your membername and password again. Re-type them.
Subdirectory Help
Subdirectories are know open for all, so you don't have to pay $5.00 a month to have them. First, you want to create your subdirectories by hitting "Make new subdirectory". Then, if you want to copy/move files that you already have online, do so by clicking every file and then (Copy/move" to subdirectory"). You enter them by clicking the subdirectories name above the rest of the files. Now you have to test everything. Have fun!
Geocities Counter
Putting a geocities counter on a page is as simple as adding this code to your web page.
That's all! It will automatically have a seporate counter for each page! My counter is for this page.
To insert the new Geoguide, insert the code
into all of the pages you want it in after the label. Then goto the GeoGuide manager. That will tell you everything else that you need to do.
Return to the top
Geocities Guest book
For getting a Geobook, you need to go to the Geustbook manager. It will take care of everything else. To view mine
Other Geocities Help
Goto you City's main page. My is http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/ . You take off everything but geocites.com/ and the next place between //'s
Goto top
This page is not made by geocities administration, I just decided to make it. To write me, click on the envelope on my geoguide. I probably will be a comunity leader soon.
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