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© Rajesh Sharma

Urban, Regional and Environmental Planning Related Resources

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Always Under Construction!

These web pages are now part of World-Wide-Web Virtual Library


Forum : Habitat in Developing Countries

These pages are always under construction. If you come across any site useful for urban/ regional/ environmental planners, please send me URL of the site. Any help in identifying such resources would be very much appreciated.

I have now created a mailing list for planners. The address of this mailing list is <>. You may subscribe to this mailing list or look at the archive by clicking on the icons below.

Click to subscribe to planners

Click to view archives of planners

At present I am associated with Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) - India as National Programme Co-ordinator. You can visit the (transitional) web site of SDNP-India at:

Please send me mail if you need my services OR if you know of any such opportunities elsewhere OR if you can create such opportunities..;-)

Please select a link:

Academic Institutions

Country-wise listing of all the academic institutions all over the world offering programs in planning.

International Agencies

The United Nations, The World Bank and many other international agencies.

Government Agencies

Country-wise listing of government agencies on the net.

Non-Profit Organizations

NGOs, Community Based Organisations, Registered Societies, Research Institutions.

Private Agencies

Consulting firms engaged in planning related activities.

Planners Associations

Association of Planners, Network of professionals engaged in planning related activities.


Journals, Newsletters, Books, Articles, Papers etc.

Libraries and Databases

Various libraries, databases and other sources of information.

Jobs for Planners

Visit this page if you are searching for a job.

Usenet Newsgroups

Email Discussion Groups

International Events

Links to various world conferences (HABITAT 2 etc.) and upcoming events.

Computer Softwares

Computer Simulation, Programs and Games etc.

Planners on the Net

If you are a planner, please read it.

Miscellaneous Links

The WWWVL on Sustainable Urban Development and many other links.

This page was last updated on April 26, 1998.

The author is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild


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