March 22/24 Adar at 5:30pm & June 7/13 Sivan at 6:00pm 1998/5758
Thanks to Hashem, there has been an upsurge in Torah observance in recent years with many welcome additions to the Orthodox community. But we are now at that critical stage where we need that extra physical support from people not only inside our community, but also from those who live within or even outside of our state if this current trend is to continue.
At the meeting we will discuss this as well other pertinent topics affecting us in an open forum. If you would like to attend this meeting we only ask you to RSVP via e-mail (preferred), phone, or regular
mail. If you are comming in from out of town we can help you arrange accommodations. Also if can't attend but would like to learn more or comment please take advantage of our the short survey on our Contact Us page, we would really like to hear from you.
We hope to see you all there!
From Your President
Shalom V'Lihitraot,
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