The UFO is one of the longest-running co-ops (publishing clubs) on the small press scene, existing in one form or another since the 1960s! Like most small press co-ops, our mission is simple: members trade their comics or 'zines via the mail, and help to promote one another's books by including the UFO Checklist in each book they print, all in the interest of creating greater "buzz" for the hobby of small press comics. In addition, the club publishes a bi-monthly newsletter called Tetragrammaton Fragments, where the entire membership contributes reviews, editorials, and artwork. Once a year, the UFO releases its famed All-Comics Annual, a massive collection of new and classic material by everyone in the group.

The UFO's day-to-day operations are all carried out under the banner of the UFO Constitution, which is presented here in its entirety.

The UFO Constitution

ARTICLE ONE: To become a member of the UFO, one must apply to the Chairman and/or be placed on Speculation by a member, then send copies of his/her current publication to each member, and receive the approval of a simple majority of the members.

ARTICLE TWO: Members must publish a minimum of one issue and 20 pages (of new, non-reprinted material) of a memberzine per year. They may also publish as many reprinted pages as they like, provided that the total for new pages is reached before their publication deadline. They must supply one free copy of their memberzine, as it is published, to each of the other members. They must not receive less than a "Satisfactory" average from the other members on any two consecutively published memberzines. They must participate in the general activites of the UFO and contribute to the UFO Newsletter, never missing two consecutive issues (newsletter contributions are limited to no more than 4 pages in any one issue).

ARTICLE THREE: In cosideration of the time and effort expended in the production of the UFO Newsletter, a newly-elected Chairman will be allowed two years--dating from the publication of his/her first newsletter--to publish his own small press book, instead of the one 'zine per year requirement for other members.

ARTICLE FOUR: Memberzines are 'zines published (and/or edited) by the UFO members which display the UFO Seal on the front or back cover, editorial page, or contents page, and contain either the UFO Checklist or (for minis or 'zines of 16 pages or less) the Abbreviated Checklist. The Abbreviated Checklist is a retyping of the contents of the list from the latest Newsletter consisting of the titles of the books and the names and addresses of their respective producers. There is no maximum limit to the number of memberzines one may publish during the membership year. There shall be no restrictions placed on the editorial or pictorial content of each memberzine or Newsletter column over and above those limits set forth by the Constitution or the Supreme Court of the United States of America and their decisions regarding community standards.

ARTICLE FIVE: The UFO is limited to 25 members. Others applying after the limit is reached will be placed on a waiting list and considered for membership in the order in which they applied. Waitlisters have the option of submitting a column to the UFO Newsletter, but are not required to do so.

ARTICLE SIX: A Chairman shall be elected in September, by majority vote, to a one-year term commencing in November. Those running for the position of Chairman must start their campaign no later than the July issue of the Newsletter. The Chairman may be removed from office only by a majority vote.

ARTICLE SEVEN: The Chairman shall edit and publish the UFO Newsletter, conduct the general club business, and manage the UFO accounts, ore delegate those affairs.

ARTICLE EIGHT: Appointing an Emergency Chairman will be the first official duty of a newly-elected Chairman. The Emergency Chairman shall be responsible for running the co-op in the event of a sudden stepdown by the elected Chairman.

ARTICLE NINE: The UFO Newsletter will be used for the general business of the co-op, including the ratings of memberzines, voting on applicants, and other official votes and discussions involving all UFO members.

ARTICLE TEN: Amendments to the UFO Constitution, decisions to run co-op advertising, establishment of major policies, and similar business shall require a comprehensively worded motion, one second, and approbal of a simple majority for passage.

ARTICLE ELEVEN: Members of the UFO shall pay a $20.00 annual membership fee upon acceptance and once a year thereafter. The dues will be used for promotion, publication, and mailing fees, as well as any other projects approved by the membership.