Welcome to Dix's Profiler/Guestbook. Regardless of your diagnoses, you are welcome to submit a profile. Paranoid clients may peruse others' profiles while contemplating the newest CIA methods of thought-insertion via live satellite. (Although there is an ugly rumor that the FBI is switching to internet guestbooks as a route for thought insertion, there has been no substantiation to this story. Please remain seated and do not be alarmed.) Thanks for sharing. May all your delusions be happy ones!
Rebel - 03/01/98 21:24:41 My URL:http://home.gvi.net/~rebel/ My Email:rebel@gvi.net Age/Gender: Does this include past lives? I live in: Planet Fredonia I became delusional: After the first alien ubduction. Psychotropic Meds: xanax/meletonin Nobody understands my: need to work in detox. Favorite neurosis: paranoia | Comments: As I am writing this I am wrapping my head in aluminun foil to help keep out the voices that tells me to visit pages like this. Pages like this attract people who are not alltogether. I hope knowone like that visits these pages. Well got to go now, my cat is telling me that she is wanting trout for dinner. You have a wonderful page here please keep up the good work. |
- 12/19/97 20:35:57 | Comments: |
Christina Cotten - 12/18/97 07:53:21 My URL:http://www2.hawaii.edu/~ccotten/ My Email:ccotten@hawaii.edu Age/Gender: Yeah Right/Female I live in: Paradise I became delusional: When I was born Nobody understands my: sick lack of humor | Comments: Dix. I felt sorry for you 'cause nobody else signed your guestbook. Besides, I really really want you to sign mine now, 'cause nobody signs mine either. Besides, I thought your graphics were cool. I is gonna grow up to be da kine graphic designer too. Now you are my friend so watch out! |
dix - 10/30/97 17:06:44 My URL:/SoHo/4421 My Email:dix@geocities.com Age/Gender: 32/F I live in: a yellow submarine I became delusional: to annoy coworkers. Psychotropic Meds: I'm hoping for X-mas. Nobody understands my: need to sign my own guestbook. Favorite neurosis: obsessive compulsive. | Comments: Testing the old guestbook thing....I suppose this means that it actually works and any lack of entries points to others not liking me....sigh. |
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delusional behaviors have occurred in this lifetime.
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my guest book.
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And thanks for stopping by!