So hi, please enjoy reading my guestbook!
12/26/00 20:26:55
Name: Kimberly Price My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: MS
Favourite Planet: Saturn Favourite Movie Musical: On the Town

I was watching televison one day and I ran across On the Town, I decided to sit back and watch it, I loved it!!! I had never seen Vera Ellen before I had heard of her but I had never seen her. She was wonderful I then saw Three Little Words and I enjoyed that as well. I have become a Vera Ellen fan through and through.

12/24/00 05:39:13
Name: Marc trefry My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Nova scotia
Favourite Planet: Mercury Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Patriot Games Favourite Movie Musical: never liked musicals
Favourite Canadian: Rick Mercer

Angela: I viewed your site after returning from New York City. I wanted to see what was happening in Oromocto and stumbled onto it. I do remember you from high school and I hope the last 17 years have been good to you. You may not remember me, most people don't from home. I was looking for reunion information and discovered I am on the " missing in action" list. I am currently in Halifax for a few days, coincidently Harrison Ford is filming here in a few weeks. The script for his movie is a little lame; I sure it will still be a hit. Have a Merry Christmas. Marc Trefry

12/05/00 04:59:15
Name: Colin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: NC Favourite Planet: Earth Why is there no #6?: Because
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: "IJ and the Last Crusade" Favourite Movie Musical: White Christmas Favourite Canadian: Mike Myers

Found your page to be very informative. Thank you! I have often wondered about this wonderfully attractive and talented woman. I must say that I found her quite attractive, sexy even, in White Christmas. By today's beauty standards she would be the toast f Hollywood. Furthermore, "The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing" is one of the most supremely magical musical numbers in film history...and thank goodness Danny Kaye found his way into that production because Astaire, Kelly and the others simply ca not equal his talents! Thanks again.

11/25/00 16:37:36
Name: Carole Del Monte My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Little River, SC, USA Favourite Planet: Earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: The Fugitive
Favourite Movie Musical: Too many to mention Favourite Canadian: Diana Krall

I'm 63 years old, and have seen many musicals at the movies. Now that we have the Turner Movie Channel, I can enjoy them over again. When we were about 9-10 years old, we watched "The Dolly Sisters" about 3 times in one day, until an usher told us we'd etter get on home! We played that each of us was either June Haver or Betty Grable. Vera-Ellen never got the accolades she deserved for her talent. At least we have the films to remind us!

10/30/00 03:54:50
Name: Joyce Hall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Nevada
Favourite Movie Musical: Singing in the Rain Favourite Canadian: my daughter, Janis

Thank you, thank you for putting together the Vera-Ellen page. Right this minute my kids are watching "White Christmas." I didn't realize she'd danced with Fred. That's a movie I've got to see. Thank you also for explaining why she is so thin in that movi .

10/29/00 02:36:11
Name: King Argyle the Darner of Socks My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Columus/OH/USA Favourite Planet: The Realm of CrapWeasel
Why is there no #6?: Because there is no #6

Hey, Angela, contact me when you can. I'm thinking of putting the Mud back on line. Glad to see you are still around. King Argyle the Darner of Socks

10/14/00 15:46:10
Name: Dora R.Snyder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Arizona USA Favourite Planet: 3rd Rock from the Sun Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones #1
Favourite Canadian: Celine

I am a Midge fan.atic..she's gorgeous!

10/14/00 15:46:02
Name: Dora R.Snyder My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Arizona USA Favourite Planet: 3rd Rock from the Sun Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones #1
Favourite Canadian: Celine

I am a Midge fan.atic..she's gorgeous!

09/01/00 10:59:16
Name: Terri Doney My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: USA Favourite Planet: USA Why is there no #6?: Why is Friday the 13th on Friday?
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Patriot Games Favourite Movie Musical: Rocky Horror Picture Show Favourite Canadian: Gordon Lightfoot

Harrison rules!!!!

08/28/00 09:54:16
Name: Angela Sandusky My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: TN
Favourite Planet: Earth

I like your site. Keep up the good work.

08/27/00 04:06:32
Name: Florence Law My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Malaysia Favourite Planet: Uranus
Favourite Movie Musical: On The Town!!!! Favourite Canadian: Tal Bachman

Hi! Vera-Ellen is one talented dancer!Love her! She should make more musicals with Gene Kelly(how I love that guy!) They are my most favourite couple in this whole wide world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08/20/00 15:38:26
Name: josie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: england Favourite Planet: earth Why is there no #6?: what?!!!!!
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: star wars triology Favourite Movie Musical: young at heart


07/26/00 17:04:19
Name: julz
My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: raiders of the lost ark

Greetings, check out Harrison @ for interiview clips and to see his new movie preview

07/19/00 02:31:58
Name: Jordan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: tx,usa Favourite Planet: heaven Why is there no #6?: ???
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: ind. & the last crusade Favourite Movie Musical: none Favourite Canadian: ????

I heard Ford is an atheist. How can an atheist constantly say in his movies God Dam if he does not believe in God? Not believing is n't that just as bad as being a satenist?? It is still blastfamy. No matter God bless him and you.

06/28/00 15:20:05
Name: monet My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: louisiana Favourite Planet: mars Favourite Harrison Ford Film: indy and the last crusade
Favourite Movie Musical: Gentlemen prefer blondes Favourite Canadian: megan follows

i love vera ellen! i watch white christmas all the time....i was so happy to see a tribute site to her...i didnt know many things about her and was very sad to see that see had passed away so long ago and i never knew that....well thx for the great info on such a beautiful and talented shining star!

06/28/00 10:04:51
Name: Becky Iles My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: England Favourite Planet: Jupiter Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Star Wars Trilogy and Air Force One
Favourite Movie Musical: Evita Favourite Canadian: Megan Follows (actress)

I think one of the best actors in the world has to be Harrison Ford. You can tell he's devoted to his acting career because of the result of his acting you see in his films. I thought he was amazing as the US President in Air Force One and the effects wer brilliant but my favourite films of his will always be the Star Wars Triology (1977)

06/23/00 22:33:46
Name: Julie Atack My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Ontario, Canada Favourite Planet: Tatooine (Star Wars) Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Return Of the Jedi
Favourite Canadian: Celine Dion

I love Harrison!!! He is the sexiest man alive. He is the best actor and he was awesome in the Star Wars Trilogy!!!!!!!!!!!

05/31/00 23:05:42
Name: FÁTIMA My URL: Visit Me
Favourite Planet: EARTH Favourite Harrison Ford Film: What a question? There all good!!
Favourite Canadian: BRIAN ADAMS


05/31/00 13:41:19
Name: David Boyko My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: ontario canada Favourite Planet: neptune Favourite Harrison Ford Film: air force 1
Favourite Movie Musical: none

r u related to me

05/10/00 15:35:06
Name: Lisa Turner My URL: Visit Me Province/State/Country: Clearwater, Florida
Favourite Planet: Saturn Favourite Harrison Ford Film: American Grafitti Favourite Movie Musical: White Christmas
Favourite Canadian: Celine Dion

Thank you so very much for your beautiful tribute to my favorite entertainer of all time. Vera was in my opinion the most glamorous and talented dancer ever to grace the silver screen. I watch White Christmas even in the middle of summer!. I even painted full size poster of her with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye from the Mandy number in this classic film. I have tried for a very long time with no luck, to find photos and information about Vera, now thanks to you, I have a gold mine to treasure forever! Than s again.

05/09/00 16:01:44
Name: April My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Tx
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air Force One

Your a great actor! Most actors can't keep teens still interested in movies but you've done a great job. Keep up the good work! Email me sometime to talk.

05/09/00 00:58:49
Name: Rebecca Sosnowski My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: IL, USA Favourite Planet: earth Why is there no #6?: on what?
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indy trilogy, 'specially 3rd Favourite Movie Musical: Lion King Favourite Canadian: Mike Meyers

Cool website! I heard a rumor that Harrison Ford has Altheimers (spelling?); do you know if it's ture or not?

04/24/00 05:26:14
Name: "Steve" Ross Nicholson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: FLORIDA Favourite Planet: this one Why is there no #6?: Because #6 said no.
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air FORCE ONE Favourite Movie Musical: SOUND OF MUSIC Favourite Canadian: Green "voice of doom"

Dear Mr. Ford, You are one of the greatest actors in history, and I want to help you to greater heights as I have in the past done you service. President Clinton modeled for Indiana Jones, wearing his own hat and the old jacket that my dad gave me. You also use a lot of lines from me, see, I'm STEVE Ross (Captain Miller, Braveheart (when it isn't Steve), Jones, e.t., elliot, Roy Neary. Schtern. hat was my lighter, my web belt, my watch on Drifus in Close Encounters. Anyway, I have come up with lots of lines and ideas for Steve and Mr. Lucas (midi-chlorians?), it is my speech in Here on Earth now playing, and I wrote the ones for Independence Da , Armaggedon, American Tail, Deep Impact, you get the idea. Anyway, so if you ever need a "more effective" line or story idea, write or have someone write and I'll do my best to help. I don't charge, I don't want credit and I don't want to meet you for inner afterwards. I just want to help.

04/22/00 17:50:47
Name: Nancy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: CA Favourite Planet: Earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders
Favourite Movie Musical: Singin' in the Rain, White Christmas, Holiday Inn Favourite Canadian: Wayne Gretsky

Thank you for the page on Vera Ellen. I have admired her talents since I was a kid watching White Christmas every year. I have often wondered what happened to her, and now you have answered my questions. It has been very difficult to find information a out her! Thank you for putting together the web page... she deserves it.

04/17/00 19:10:14
Name: Samantha My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: U.S.A. Favourite Planet: Pluto Why is there no #6?: Don't know
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air Force One Favourite Movie Musical: ????? Favourite Canadian: ?????


03/14/00 16:41:13
Name: Fung Lin Hall My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Arizona USA Favourite Planet: Neptune Why is there no #6?: 6 stands for justice, teaching, cooking and family. I don't know why.
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Witness Favourite Movie Musical: Funny Face Favourite Canadian: Glenn Gould

Happy Birthday. You are an original. Try something different, visit my site on this special day. My Eggplant web art was created in Prague 3 years ago. Fung Lin Hall Eggplant is an art/entertainment web art installation dedicated to humor, cinema, art, literature, cities and reflection. P.S. the mutant eggplant was a real vegetable we ate for dinner. No photo manipulation. The toilet paper was from the Prague Castle. Looks like you have a moon in Sagittarius. Einstein was Pisces with moon in Sagittarius.

03/12/00 23:06:30
Name: Greg Lejeune My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Houston, Tx U.S.A

Just dropped in to say hello.

03/09/00 15:45:47
Name: Shanna Province/State/Country: Georgia/US Favourite Planet: Venus. Cause women are from there.
Why is there no #6?: Because it doesn't exist in the Monty Python "Bruce" sketch and Andy thought that it would be funny not to include a 6 in the Friends stuff. Or something like that. Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Star Wars! Favourite Movie Musical: Oliver!
Favourite Canadian: Mike Meyers

Hi Ang, I doubt that you'd remember me but we were pals long ago (a few yrs or so anyway) before my compuper died and I decided that there were WAY better things to do with my time than talk to people thousands of miles away. Like talk to people who are j st a few miles away. ;) Anyways I was in the library and decided, what the hey, so just stopping in to say 'hi'. I don't even have an email address anymore. I sold off my Barbies long ago and am into doing things instead of owning things. I feel much more Zen. :) Peace to you!

03/05/00 18:06:27
Name: Vera-Ellen Spahr My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Lebanon, Ohio USA Favourite Planet: Uranus Favourite Harrison Ford Film: All of them, I love him!
Favourite Movie Musical: White Christmas, Oklahoma, South Pacific, Lots of them Favourite Canadian: I like Canadians. Have been fortunate to work with a few.

I e-mailed you concerning my being named after Vera-Ellen. Just thought I'd sign your guest list. Between Vera-Ellen, Kim Novak, Rosemary Clooney - well, I like the "old" stuff. I watch a lot of "old" movies, but still get to the theatre to see new one also. Love to read. I am an analyst/programmer Consulting through CIBER in Cincinnati Ohio. Love to hear from you.

02/21/00 20:59:46
Name: Angie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: ill
Favourite Planet: Earth that is where Harrison Ford lives Favourite Harrison Ford Film: All of them

Harrison Ford is the sexiest man that has ever lived and may he live forever!!

02/21/00 20:57:03
Name: Angie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: ill


02/10/00 18:11:29
Name: mary* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: NY state Favourite Planet: Jupiter, my ruling planet, the Earth. Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Witness, Patriot Games, Presummed Innocent. I love this hunky man.
Favourite Movie Musical: Grease, Viva Las Vegas Favourite Canadian: John Candy, Dan Ackaroyd, Bob & Doug Mackenzie

Your Web site is fun and intersting. I also have a cat from outer space. That would be: "Jeremy, the Wild Tabby from Mars" I love your cat's attitude on his photo!! He looks so macho! mary*

02/09/00 01:10:52
Name: Liz Treanor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: London, England Favourite Planet: Altaire 4 Why is there no #6?: cos 7 8 it !! Uh!
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Blade Runner Favourite Canadian: Lloyd Langois

Great site. Solved the eye question, cause I,ve been staring at his face for 22 years and I,ve never been able to work that one out!

08/16/99 03:08:09
Name: BRYAN My URL: Visit Me Province/State/Country: USA UT
Favourite Planet: JUPITER Why is there no #6?: WHAT Favourite Harrison Ford Film: ALL
Favourite Movie Musical: GREASE


08/02/99 16:55:11
Name: Siobhan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: TN, U.S.A. Favourite Planet: Saturn and Mars Why is there no #6?: Wakarimasen.
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones Favourite Movie Musical: The Sound of Music Favourite Canadian: Celine Dion

I just want to know where to write Harrison Ford. Because he supports the Dalai Lama. Also, his wife Melissa Matheson is a Tibetan supporter. Thank you.

07/31/99 03:02:45
Name: yougest ford fan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: California united states ( and proud of it baby!) Favourite Planet: Uranus Then Venus named after the goddess of love Why is there no #6?: What would the world be like without it?
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders or Jedi it's a tos-up Favourite Movie Musical: Wizard of OZ & Evita Favourite Canadian: Celen Dion

Your site is really great!! Love your guestbook questions!!!! Nice to know I not the only one in love Indiana.....

07/31/99 02:58:15
Name: youngest ford fan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: California, United States ( And proud of it baby!)


07/14/99 18:37:51
Name: Teeside My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Ireland Favourite Planet: Corellia, though I am quite fond of earth in the Summertime Why is there no #6?: It's too early in the morning to answer questions like that
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Witness Favourite Movie Musical: The Sound of Music Favourite Canadian: Matthew Perry

Love the page - it helps keep the pangs OCHFS away for a few minutes.

07/07/99 00:02:06
Name: PHILIP SKALINSKI My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: BEL AIR MD USA Favourite Planet: EARTH Favourite Harrison Ford Film: AIR FORCE ONE
Favourite Movie Musical: SINGING IN THE RAIN


06/15/99 18:15:43
Name: Joan My URL: Visit Me
Province/State/Country: NY State - USA Favourite Planet: Venus
Favourite Movie Musical: Any old Gene Kelly movie

Your page is great and really interesting to me. My new passion is searching flea markets and thrift shops to find dolls to customize.Your creations are wonderful!! Please stop by my site and sign my guestbook. I am a novice at customizing but I really en oy doing it.

06/15/99 15:42:14
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me
Province/State/Country: Ont Favourite Movie Musical: Lion King/Sound of mu
Favourite Canadian: Mike Myers

Hi I'm originally from Fredericton NB. I was in cadets for 8 years so I know a lot about the military. All I can say is that I don't know very many 'army brats' that enjoyed moving so much, it must of been tough.

05/27/99 22:56:51
Name: Sue Flindall My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Ontario, Canada Favourite Planet: Tylenol-3 Why is there no #6?: there is no 6
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones Favourite Movie Musical: Grease, Dirty Dancing Favourite Canadian: Jim Carrey

Hey Angela: Pretty neat stuff... I originally checked in to get info on CanadaGanza. I'm definitely interested! Gotta go, be sure to send more info!

03/09/99 23:50:59
Name: Jackie Cramer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Indiana Favourite Planet: Earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Favourite Movie Musical: Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Favourite Canadian: Alex Trebek

I love the classics, probably because I am 60!, but my son of 39 is even more of a fan. I have been so curious about Vera Ellen. She was one of my favorites as I said in an e-mail to you. Thank you for your page. I have enjoyed it very much! Now I want to find out more about Gene Tierney.

02/08/99 22:38:55
My URL: Visit Me


01/07/99 06:04:54
Name: Corky Stowers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Arkansas Favourite Planet: Venus Why is there no #6?: Just Because
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: all the Star Wars Favourite Canadian: Kurt Browning

I like your page!!! I've just been re-doing Barbies about a year now, since I started drawing disability. But I'm having a lot of fun doing it. I sent in two entries to BMAA in the domestic part. Like your Fairy!! Would love to hear what you think of my efforts. I also have a picture of one of my favorite paintings on my page. It's one I did about 10 years ago.

01/02/99 03:09:42
Name: Donna Arnold My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: alberta/canada Favourite Planet: earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: raiders of the lost ark
Favourite Movie Musical: white christmas Favourite Canadian: john candy

was watching white christmas and wondered what ever happened to vera-ellen. I didn't know anything about her so I thought I would get on the internet and see what I could find

01/02/99 03:08:23
Name: Donna Arnold My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: alberta/canada
Favourite Planet: earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: raiders of the lost ark


12/12/98 18:34:45
Name: Steve
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Thank you for the Vera-Ellen page. I just watched, again, White Christmas and was wondering what ever happened to her. It's a shame this was her last movie, but, what a movie to be in and what a performance. Again, thank you for your efforts.

12/05/98 03:17:52
Name: gregg and patty My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: d'town PA Favourite Planet: Saturn Why is there no #6?: What????
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders... Favourite Movie Musical: The King and I Favourite Canadian: Joni Mitchell

Vera-Ellen... She is the real reason "White Christmas" is such a wonderful movie. It's a holiday tradition in our house. Your page has given us some very interesting info. on Ms. Ellen. It's unfortunate that her life seemed to be such a tragedy. Thank yo for putting this web page together...and yes, there are Vera-Ellen fans everywhere. I learned of this woman and her talent from my parents 30 years ago. My personal favorite Vera-Ellen dance routine is from "White Christmas." It's the ABRAHAM routine. To ays dancers should be so fluid. Happy Holidays to you and yours!!! 12/4/98

11/30/98 00:35:56
Name: Sandra My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Cincinnati, OH

Angela, Thanks so much for your page on Vera-Ellen. I had originally become interested in her when I saw her in White Christmas but I was never able to find information on her. Imagine my surprise when, now, I find that she hails from my own home town ! I'm glad to hear there's a biography coming out soon !

11/22/98 14:54:02
My URL: Visit Me


10/28/98 12:41:14
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

10/01/98 00:29:59
Name: RUTH My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: TORONTO..ONTARIO..CANADA Favourite Planet: OURS "SMILE" Why is there no #6?: YOU SAID SO
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: NOT A MOVIE BUFF Favourite Movie Musical: SOUND OF MUSIC Favourite Canadian: MY GRAND-DAUGHTER

HI ANGELA...WANT TO THANK YOU FOR SIGNING MY GUEST I could come visit really have been around the world...enjoyed "BARBIE`S"make over...went to friendsz zone...could not see photo`s...are they yours?still have a bit more to read so wil say bye for now...RUTH

09/19/98 22:51:24
My URL: Visit Me


09/01/98 01:12:01
Name: Miranda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Canada
Favourite Planet: Oh, so hard to choose! Favourite Canadian: Michael J. Fox

Hi, liked your page.

08/31/98 04:40:44
Name: Andrea My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Canada Favourite Planet: I'm on it Why is there no #6?: Aliens took it
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders of the Lost Ark Favourite Movie Musical: Singing in the Rain Favourite Canadian: You

Hi Ang! I finally checked out your website - kewl!

08/06/98 01:57:09
Name: Ann Terrio My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: EBR/LA/USA Favourite Planet: Mars Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Favourite Movie Musical: Singing in the Rain Favourite Canadian: Peter Jennings

Was disappointed in 6days, seven nights, but not in Harrison Ford's performance-was great as usual!

08/02/98 05:54:37
Name: Melissa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Washington State Favourite Planet: Mars Why is there no #6?: Because I said so
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: ALL OF THEM!! Favourite Movie Musical: Daddy Longlegs Favourite Canadian: Micheal J Fox

i loved your page, it was really nice to see a good fan web page. Harrison Ford is an awsome actor but does not seem to get the credit he deserves. Keep up the good work!! :)

07/31/98 17:50:01
Name: Prof. David Soren
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Angela, we are preparing the Vera-Ellen biography Vera-Ellen: The Magic and the Mystery for release this year by Midnight Marquee Books. Can you help us?

07/29/98 15:27:20
Name: rod pyles My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Morgantown, WV Favourite Planet: earth Why is there no #6?: between 5 & 7 I think
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: not a big fan of his Favourite Movie Musical: American in Paris Favourite Canadian: John Larner

I'm glad I found your page(from a Gene Kelly link)I will have to share this with my daughter, who is an avid Barbie collector who likes to restore old dolls. She will be interested in the work you have done and the links you provide. You can contact her a

07/18/98 12:22:16
Name: Thess My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favourite Planet: Venus Why is there no #6?: To proceed after 5 and preceed 7? Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Star Wars and Sabrina
Favourite Movie Musical: Grease

Your work really looks is your page! Good luck on your job hunt. I'm sure if people see your work they'll see your great talent.

07/15/98 02:16:34
Name: Purple Princess My URL: Visit Me
Province/State/Country: USA Favourite Planet: Earth
Favourite Movie Musical: Grease Favourite Canadian: Bryan Adams/Jim Carrey

Hi! Great page here! I was very impressed with your Barbie section! I find it amazing how you totally reconstructed that one doll your mom found at the thrift store. But there's one thing I would like to know that you could probably tell me - how woul I be able to display my banner w/ Geocities & is it free? Well, keep up the good work!

07/13/98 23:31:50
Name: Kevin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: kansas usa Favourite Planet: saturn love them rings Why is there no #6?: because they turnded it over to make the 9
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: raiders Favourite Movie Musical: State Fair :o) Favourite Canadian: Dan Aykroyd

i think vera-ellen is a beauty. i have seen her in films but never knew anything about her. your page was very illuminating. visit me if you get the chance :o)

07/07/98 19:54:29
Name: julie evans My URL: Visit Me Province/State/Country: Ohio, USA
Favourite Planet: earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: regarding henry Favourite Movie Musical: on the town/american in paris...tie
Favourite Canadian: jim carrey

i was surprised to find a vera-ellen home page on the web...i am a big fan of hers also...what a dancer..and that's an understatement. keep up the good work.

06/26/98 21:53:42
Name: Janine Goldman-Pach My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Tucson, AZ

I would have been happy to add you to the ring, but someone beat me to it. :)

06/12/98 03:57:23
Name: Michael Boyko
My URL: Visit Me

We'll since I read your self autobiagraphy. being a cute red head-I can not resist-- you deserve this!! Enjoy it. A blond got tiered of all the blond jokes, and deside to die her hair red!!! After looking in the mirror - She said God it looks good - and I feel great!! No more dumb blond jokes on me. I think I'll drive in my comvertable in the country and enjoy the wo ld. She suddently turned the curve and stoped her car for a frmer crosing with his flock of sheep. The sheep weere so cute- She politely asked the farmer. Sir If I can guess the number of sheep in your flock -- could I have one. The farmer looked at here nd said sure why not?!*>!* /she looded at the sheep and said 216. With amesment the farmer said that correct!! You can pick opne. The blond picke one and put the lamb in the car. At this time the farmer spoke to her. Mam if can quess the color of your hai before you died it red "Can I have my dog back"the

06/12/98 03:41:09
Name: Michael Boyko My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Chicago IL USA Favourite Planet: Peggy Cove Why is there no #6?: That's day you plan were to travel the other 5 days
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: How about Mel Gibson? Favourite Movie Musical: Oklahoma Favourite Canadian: Cayla Poleck

I't must be hard to be without a job. Especially if you have specific goals. But to keep you busy during the summer come to Chicago and you can be my Sailing partner during the day until September. I have traveled both Ukraine, Russia, Europe, South Ameri a and parts of Africa. Moscow is not as dirty whenyou look at what conditions it was under. Krakow has improved after the breakdown. Go to Mexico City and let me know how a modern civilization can be so dirty. Peggy Cove in October should be all year. Hav you been there. My other spot in Canada is Wisler. If you have time Email me- I would love to discuss your worldy travel. One place in Canada - I have not been is Newfoundland or St. John's. Is it woth the trip or should Peggy Cove be my yeqrly retreat. PS My Comuter went crashing - so I'm using my friends. Love to hear about your travels and camping in Russia. I'll tell you about mine in Northwest Territory and Argentina.

06/05/98 16:49:58
Name: Dave Boyko My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Atlanta, Ga. (USA)
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Star Wars

Hi. Nice to type to another Boyko. You should come to Atlanta - more jobs down here than can be filled.

06/03/98 19:48:59
Name: Lulie My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Texas,U.S Favourite Planet: uh..pluto Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Indiana Jones
Favourite Movie Musical: u name it! Favourite Canadian: uh....?

Harrison Ford rules!!!!!!!!!!! He kicks!!!I luv him!!j/k! Ireally like Harrison Ford though!

05/09/98 17:48:20
Name: Angela My URL: Visit Me Province/State/Country: USA
Favourite Planet: Mars Why is there no #6?: What? Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Star Wars Triligoly
Favourite Movie Musical: Meet Me in St. Louis(guess why) Favourite Canadian: Um, all of them ,I guess

I think that this is great that there are so many Angelas on the web. Let us unite and tell the world how great we are.

05/06/98 00:27:39
Name: Laura Hines My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Ohio Favourite Planet: It may be cliche, but I am kinda partial to earth Why is there no #6?: It's a conspiracy, I tell you!
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air Force One Favourite Movie Musical: Grease Favourite Canadian: Umm, you?

If you're trapped in an airtight room you will die of carbon dioxide poisoning before you would die of oxygen deprivation. Doesn't that make you feel better?

04/02/98 00:17:48
Name: Kate Musica My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Washington, DC, USA Favourite Planet: Whichever one HF was born on! Why is there no #6?: #6? How should I know? I dn't even know what you mean! =)
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: all of them--I can't pick! Favourite Movie Musical: Singing in the Rain, The Music Man, West Side Story Favourite Canadian: Angela Boyko =)

Great page! Your comments to the NG are great too! Keep up the good work!!! <3 Kate

03/30/98 22:27:05
Name: Barb My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Temecula, CA USA
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders & Frantic Favourite Canadian: my husband

Hello! I am a fan who is currently selling off some of my collectables. I have some HF theater posters that I am offereing - is anyone interested? They are original release, folded marquee posters. The HF films I have are: Frantic, Mosquito Coast and Witness. These posters are in wonderful condition. I am not a broker ... just a fan. My asking price is $30 + postage. Or make me an offer! Thanks, Barb :)

03/26/98 18:39:48
Name: omi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: tx, usa Favourite Planet: earth Why is there no #6?: cuz i said so
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: air force 1 Favourite Movie Musical: none Favourite Canadian: stealer of hearts

awesam-o...if ur brandon, omi's friend in california, then i love you, and harrison ford rox

03/04/98 16:08:49
Name: Widad My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: FRANCE (Grenoble) Favourite Planet: Venus Why is there no #6?: ...
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: all of his movies, but I have a preference for Blade Runner!! Favourite Movie Musical: no. Favourite Canadian: O'Brien

I just want to tell you that the informations you give are great and you do not forget a little sense of humor (that's better!) I am a great fan of Harrison Ford and I do not miss to buy any French or English I can find regarding him (even a little photo of him...). Keep up the good work and don't stop revising it because your job is just GREAT!!! Bye and C-ya! Widad (23-year-old girl)

03/04/98 11:25:49
Name: ROSARINHO My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Portugal-lisbon Favourite Planet: Saturn Why is there no #6?: I don`t now
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air-Force 1 Favourite Movie Musical: The sound of music Favourite Canadian: Harrison Ford

I love you!!! I love your movies, you`re a brilliant actor!!! A lots of kiss, ROSARINHO.

03/03/98 22:54:56
Name: Kathi My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: US/KS Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Sabrina Favourite Movie Musical: On the Town
Favourite Canadian: Michael J. Fox

I can't tell you how excited I was to find another Vera-Ellen fan. I have been a fan since childhood, watching movies on Saturdays and Sundays. She always stood out and in my opinion was one of THE most beautiful women in Hollywood. Way to go, web site reator.

03/03/98 14:06:51
Name: ISABEL My URL: Visit Me Province/State/Country: PORTUGAL, LISBON
Favourite Planet: EARTH Favourite Harrison Ford Film: INDY (ALL)
Favourite Movie Musical: ALL Favourite Canadian: HARRISON FORD


03/02/98 07:04:33
Name: Kathryn Gearheard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Oregon USA Favourite Planet: Saturn Why is there no #6?: I'm too old to know
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Any Clancy thing Favourite Movie Musical: Funny Girl Favourite Canadian: Margaret Trudeau

I just made my first trip to Beograd. Would love to know some of your memories. It's still beautiful but oh so economically and politically bleak now. Love the Barbie makeovers..someone must need you as a graphic artist!! My late husband was one all his professional career. He was frustrated often.

02/25/98 19:56:16
Name: Rick My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: Atlanta, GA

Angela, I am a producer/composer currently working on a CD of musical biographies, and thought you might want to know that one of my subjects is Vera-Ellen. I also own several of the movies you don't have reviews for. Write me if you still need them, or n ed any additional information for your page. Bye! Rick

02/24/98 21:26:54
Name: Letha Funk My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: U.S.A. Favourite Planet: Earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Sabrina
Favourite Movie Musical: Sound of Music


02/22/98 19:25:59
Name: Leyna My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Canada Favourite Planet: Saturn Why is there no #6?: There is no number six because the number eaters got at it. How the hell am I supposed to know?
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: That's a tough one. I'll have to say The Fugitive. Favourite Movie Musical: Grease. Favourite Canadian: Raine Maida of Our Lady Peace.

hold fast to dreams
for if dreams die
life is a broken-winged bird
that cannot fly
hold fast to dreams
for if dreams go
life is a barren field
frozen with snow.

02/21/98 17:16:23
Name: kim poulsen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Province/State/Country: ullerslevfyn/danmark
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: indianer jones 3


02/18/98 00:17:27
Name: Christa Province/State/Country: WI
Favourite Planet: earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air Force One
Favourite Movie Musical: Sound of Music Favourite Canadian: What?????

Harrison Ford is the hottest guy alive. His movies are great; just like him.

02/06/98 21:40:08
Name: Tray Robinson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: Ca Favourite Planet: Earth Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Air Force One
Favourite Movie Musical: Titanic

Harrison Ford is an incredible actor. He's my favorite of all times

02/05/98 17:27:53
Name: M. Schellekens My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Province/State/Country: the Netherlands Favourite Planet: Earth Why is there no #6?: I don't know
Favourite Harrison Ford Film: Raiders of the lost Ark Favourite Movie Musical: None Favourite Canadian: That's a difficult one

Raiders of the lost Ark, i can see it over and over. Because of Harrison?

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