Ride in the winter?

Rides-Self supported Centuries

Beyond Commuting



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My Bicycles

My Fixed Gear Bicycles

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Bicycling Safety

What About Weather?



So what's this site all about?

Well, it's about bicycling. It's about getting around on a bicycle, using it as an alternative form of transportation. Sure there are a lot of sites out there on this very subject, but one more isn't going to hurt, is it?

Why do you need this site?
I dunno. I suppose if you are looking for information that will get you out of the day to day grind of commuting by car. There are a lot of advantages to commuting by bicycle, and just as many sites. I could go into the health benefits, and the savings, and ... But sometimes pictures do a better job than words could ever do.

Okay, obligatory pictures of high gas prices and traffic...

There is more to it than that.

With commuting it's how you get there just as much as it is how you get there.

There are many things to see along the way.

Things you don't often get to see when you are in a steel coffin.

You can ride in all kinds of weather.

As well as ride at night.

You can travel on a bicycle,

take a vacation see sites off the beaten path.

So get out there and ride.

Last update 12/21/03

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