As I was reading some back issues of my comics I came up with the idea behind this story. I know that there are some author's that are not satisfied with the way that some of the stories in the comics turned out, so they write their own version of that story or in some way complete it. That is the way that I felt as I was reading X-Men 30. I felt that Marvel should have added a small part, a discussion between Nathan (Cable) and Rachel. So here is that talk that should have taken place. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story they all belong to Marvel. I am making no money from this story, so don't bother to sue me as I have no money. If by chance some of the dialogue seems familiar, it more than likely came from X-Men 30. I am not by any means plagiarizing any of this I am merely borrowing it. Yeah that's it, borrowing it. Comments and anything else you can think of is welcomed at After the Cake is Cut By Admiral Draala ************************************************************************ The ceremony was over and everyone was enjoying themselves. Music was playing in the background and people were talking and dancing. For one person in particular this day has held a special meaning. One that has made her feel like everything she has been through worth it. It has been an important day for not only her 'parents' Scott and Jean, but for her also. Rachel Summers sits away from everyone, off by herself so the events of the day can sink in. Earlier in the day she and Jean had a reconciliation of sorts. It was different from the one they had on Muir when Jean told her of the impending wedding. Their conversation was still in her mind as she watched Scott and Jean wander off after they had cut the cake. "Uhm, Jean, I just wanted to tell you, I think you look great." "Thank you Rachel. I want you to know how happy I am you're here today. I know you and I did not get off on the right foot, but that's in the past. You're very important to Scott and me, Rachel. Please believe that." "I do." "I know it couldn't have been easy for anyone to meet a daughter from a possible future. I was pretty angry when I first came here. I didn't give a thought how other people might feel. I'm just glad that we're friends now." "More than friends. But I have to tell you, if today's wedding means that there is even the slightest chance, that tomorrow I'll have Rachel Summers for a daughter, then that makes this twice as much of a blessing!" "Th-thanks mom!" Rachel sat lost in her thoughts and she did not hear the person who walked up behind her. "A penny for your thoughts?" he asked snapping Rachel back to the present. "Nathan you scared me," Rachel answered looking up to see Cable standing beside her. "I find that some what hard to believe, coming from you." He said as he sat down beside her. "I closed down my telepathy, with every thing that is going on around us, I tend to lose my thoughts. Not that I wasn't lost in thought already." "That much was obvious. So what were you thinking about?" Nathan asked in a brotherly sort of way. He was still trying to get use to the idea that Rachel was his sister. "Just something that Jean said to me earlier, before the ceremony. It seems that everything is coming together in some weird way." Rachel answered. "Seems to me that there is more behind this than you are letting in. You can tell me, remember that I am your brother." "It's kind of hard not to forget. That's the thing isn't it Nathan? Are you really my brother? I think that the only thing that we have in common is our last name and even that is debatable." Rachel pointed out. "Just where is this coming from? Rachel, you are Scott and Jean's daughter even if it is from an alternate time line. We are brother and sister, you can't argue that, we have genetics to back it up." "You may be right about that, but Jean isn't your mother. Madelyne Pryor was..." "She was a clone of Jean, Rachel. The body may not have been the original, but the genes were there. So Jean could have been my mother, and she was probably a better mother than Madelyne could have been. Rachel you said it yourself, in your time line I never existed and in this time, you don't exist. Look at this day as a stepping stone, now that Scott and Jean are married you have the chance of being born," Nathan told her. "Than you will have a little sister." "No, than I will have two little sisters. Than again you could be a boy," Nathan joked. "Very funny!" Rachel said as she slapped him in the arm. "I thought the same thing when you were born, you could have been a girl." "Now that that is settled, how would my little sister like to dance with her big brother?" Nathan asked as he stood up and extended his hand to Rachel. "You just remember that there was a time when I was older than you." Rachel said as she took Nathan's hand. As they walked out to the dance floor, Scott and Jean smiled at their children. They realized exactly what this day meant not only to them but to Rachel and Nathan as well. This is what they hoped the future would bring for them, two children that would grow up in a happier time. The End Well I hope you enjoyed the story.