Disclaimer: Every thing in this story that you recognize belongs to Marvel unless of course it belongs to me. What a novel concept huh? Well here we go again. I know that I should be working on Ties That Bind, but I hit a slight snag. So I came up with this little ditty. I have never written anything like this before and I hope that you enjoy it. You can send all your comments and what not to me at: admiraldraala@hotmail.com A Daughter's Love Jean thought that it would be a good idea if I spilled my guts in a note or journal or something. I thought that the idea was stupid at first, but as I thought about it, it was a good idea. So here I am writing down all of my thoughts and feelings. I am not very good at this sort of thing. Sure I will tell some one what I am thinking or feeling if they ask, but to volunteer that information is something else entirely. Dad and Logan always told me that I should never offer up any information that is not important. I guess that it would be a good idea if I started that the beginning. Mom and Dad were both X-Men. Dad always told me that they fell in love in the Spring, and it was love at first sight. Who could picture my dad as a romantic? Dad was getting over someone else when mom joined the X-Men. They were married on the cliffs that over look the lake here on the estate. It was in the Fall when all of the leaves were just turning colour and Storm made sure that the weather was perfect. I was born about two years later. I never knew my mom. She got sick when she was pregnant with me. Beast told me that it was the Legacy Virus that killed her. She managed to hang on until I was born. She died not even a day later. They were all worried that I would have LV, but I came out clean. Amazingly though I was the one that helped to find a cure for the virus. Apparently I developed anti-bodies and was able to fight off the disease. I guess mom did some good. Don't get me wrong I had a happy childhood. I had plenty of people to play with and they spoiled me rotten. I went to bed listening to stories about my mom. Everyone says that I look like her. Funny I always thought that I look more like dad. Josh was always my best friend. He is Scott and Jean's oldest and he is only a month older than me. There are other kids too, it's just that Josh and me are the oldest and we tend to stick together. I don't know what I would do with out Josh. It's funny how things tend to change when you get older. Josh wants our relationship to move forward and I am not denying that I don't want it to. I just think that it would be funny, me becoming a Summers. What would you think about that dad? I used to call every one here aunt this and uncle that. As I got older I just started calling them by their first names. Even the Prof. who I used to call grandpa, I changed to Professor X. He died not that long ago. I think Scott took it the hardest, we all still miss him though. The X-Men, since I was little, was associated with life, now it seems more like death to me. I think that is why I tried to distance myself from everything. Every thing used to be so easy, when did it become so difficult. I remember when I was younger, life seemed so bright and beautiful. Now it is dark and ugly. Why do things have to change so much? I do understand that nothing can stay the same, that change is need and even wanted at times. I just wish that for a tiny instant I could be six or seven again. For me those were happy times. I went to school, dad would take me or one of my 'aunts' or 'uncles'. I loved it when I went on the back of a motorcycle. The other kids at school would be so jealous. I know that I didn't have a mother and I would get teased, but I didn't care I had dad and the next best thing to a mother, Ororo. I love her dearly. I could talk to her about anything and everything. Don't get me wrong, I do miss my mom even though I never met her. Through stories that I was told I feel like I know her, truly know her. Dad was always great. He would let me crawl in bed with him to sleep if I was scared. He would tell me the greatest stories of places that he has been. My favourites were the ones of what he was like at my age. He would take me places and always tell me that he loved me and he would never leave me. He was my only parent and I loved him like a daughter should. I can remember sitting out under the stars with him and he would point out the star that was my mom. I would sit in my room before I went to bed and talk to it like I was really talking to my mom. It gave me comfort that she was looking out for me. I am alone now, truly alone and I am scared dad. I know that I will always have the family here, the X-Men, but it isn't the same. Ororo told me that you wanted her to look out for me. You died in battle almost a week ago. You were placed beside mom, on the same cliff that you were married on. I am happy that the two of you are together again. I just wish that I was there when you died, so I could have said good bye to you. I still think that I have more of you in me than mom. In that sense I will never be without you. I not only have your powers, but your looks as well. The attitude and everything that went with it is here to, much to Scott's dismay. I have also taken your code name, so I can keep one more piece of you alive. I don't think that the X-Men would be the same with out a Gambit. I will always be the star that brightened your life. I will love you always, papa. Renee Etoile LeBeau XXXXXXXXXXXXX The End