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The Light and The Darkness by Liana Devereaux Part 2 Gabrielle gasped. The man’s grip on her was like steel, and she feared that trying to get away would do more harm than good. She stilled her movement and after a few seconds, the man loosened his death hold on her. He turned her slightly, so he could see her face, and was silently searching her for signs of treachery. Seeing none, he sighed. She cocked her head to the side and tried to catch a glance of this stranger. *Well, girl, if he wanted to kill you, he would’ve done it by now...* His features were hidden by the shadows of the alley, His jaw was set, as if he was angry, but Gabrielle sensed no anger. Suddenly, he turned her full circle to face him. She took in a quick gulp of air when he stepped into the sunlight. He was absolutely gorgeous. Reddish-brown hair, shoulder length, framed a superbly constructed face. He was tall, taller than Gabrielle, and with a muscular build. What caught her attention was the sunglasses he wore. Though it was morning and the light wasn’t too bright, the lens on them were unusually dark. Maybe it was a fashion statement. She couldn’t read his expression, and stood still, waiting for him to speak. “Why were ya followin’ me?” Gabrielle blinked and stared straight at his face. He slowly removed the hand that covered his mouth and waited for her answer. She was sure she had smelled the faint aroma of alcohol off his breath. *I guess he’s no threat, I should at least give him an explanation.* “Well, I’m....I’m sorry. I thought you were following ME.” Her eyes dropped to scan the ground. It was an honest answer, but somehow she was sure he didn’t believe her. His next question surprised her. “You’re a mutant, aren’t ya?” Her eyes locked on his and she nodded. He stepped back from her and took off his sunglasses. Her eyes widened at the sight of his red-on-black ones. He cracked a small smile at her reaction. “Yeah, chere, I be one too. The name’s Remy.” Her flashed her an incredible smile. Gabrielle smiled herself, his accent was kind of cute. “Oh, just Remy?” “Remy LeBeau, actually. Jus’ call me Remy.” “What’s your name, chere?” “Gabrielle.” “Jus’ Gabrielle?” Another fabulous smile. “Yep, it’s simpler that way.” Her turn for the million-dollar grin. “Do you ‘ave family? A place you call ‘ome?” Gabrielle looked away again, embarrassed, and scared. “I...I can fend for myself. I don’t need anyone to worry about me.” The man nodded, understanding all too well. He didn’t want others prodding into his past either. Gabrielle was looking very uncomfortable right now, and he had to offer her something, anything, to ease her mind. “You look like you need a place to stay, a bed an’ a bath, how does d’at sound? I’ve got friends who are jus’ like us, dey can help you.” They could be just the same, after her powers, not giving a damn about her. This man seemed so honest, though. “Aw, come on, chere! We all one big family. You can trust us.” The scariest part was, she was starting to believe that she could. “Alright, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to stay one night.” “D’at’s de spirit. We get you fixed up in no time.” Remy led her to a payphone where he called a cab. They chatted while waiting, like two people meeting for the first time would do. The cab arrived quickly and took them to the outskirts of the city, into posh neighborhoods. The ride really made her reflect on the past few weeks, always running, always hiding. But now, maybe, she could make a new beginning. Remy had spoke of a Professor Xavier, a man who devoted his life to other mutants. Remy had said that he could help her, too. *Maybe he can help, girl, it’s time you stop running and do something with your life.* The cab rounded a turn and revealed a luxurious mansion sitting back from the road, still visible behind it’s gates. “What I wouldn’t give to live there.” Remy’s eyes twinkled and he smiled at her admission. To her surprise, the cab stopped in front of the estate and dropped off the two passengers. “You live HERE?!?” Gabrielle was amazed, to say the least. Remy pushed a button on the gate control panel and a voice answered after he gave his name. “Remy, we were wondering where you were. I see you brought Gabrielle with you, please, bring her inside.” Her eyes as round as saucers, Gab timidly followed him through the gates and up the walk.