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(Tanya, here you go! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks again! Liana) ______________________________________ The Light and The Darkness by Liana Devereaux Part 3 The mansion gradually got larger as Gabrielle followed Remy up the front walk. She was tired from the day’s events, but uncertainty danced in the back of her mind. Long, manicured lawns stretched along side of her, and trees swayed lightly in the early morning breeze. Gabrielle was surprised at the size of the grounds. The walk from the gates alone seemed endless. *Someone with this much money must have it made...* “’Tis impressive, ain’t it, chere?” Remy’s words woke her from her thoughts, and she noticed that she had stopped walking to notice everything around her. He didn’t seem the slightest bit upset with her dalliance, just amused with her reaction. He reached out and took her arm gently, leading her towards the mansion. “Come on, chere, there be more time for lookin’ later.” He winked at her and Gabrielle felt some of her fear disappear. She walked side by side with him to the front door. Remy opened it for her and escorted her down the hall, into a study. Gabrielle crept in slowly and examined the rows of books on the shelves, the expensive mahogany furniture, and the man behind the large desk. He glanced up at her entrance and smiled. She smiled hesitantly back, but kept close to Remy in the doorway. Turning to her, the man said, “Hello, Gabrielle. I am Professor Charles Xavier. Welcome.”, and glancing at Remy, “I see that you have met one of my students.” Gab took a quick glance at Remy, and, somehow, she couldn’t picture him as a student. *He could make a living anyway he wanted, he’s gorgeous enough.* Gabrielle smiled to herself. Xavier raised an eyebrow and smiled. He knew he’d have to work to get past her uncertainty. She was a girl who trusted only herself and he had to win that trust. He was receiving feelings of trust towards Remy when he lightly scanned her mind. Maybe it was a good thing that she had already begun a friendship before he introduced her to the team. Remy would be able to help her adjust here. “Gabrielle, I had asked Remy to bring you here for several reasons. One, you need a place to stay, the streets aren’t safe for anyone these days, much less people like us. Two, you have powers and this school specializes in helping mutants control and learn about their gifts. And three, you have specific powers that could be both beneficial for both the team here and yourself. Here, you can learn how to use your powers to aid everyone, mutant and humans alike. I know that this is sudden, and you are welcome to think about the offer. Expenses here are paid for, so you can stay as long as you like. Would you be willing to join us?” Gabrielle watched the Professor very carefully when he spoke to her. She sensed no threat from him and he seemed genuinely interested in helping her. Still, after what had happened before, she couldn’t just give in. She needed to be sure this was for real. “Would you mind if I thought about it a little? I--I’m not quite sure yet,” Gabrielle asked, uncertain of his reaction. The Professor smiled. “Of course, that won’t be a problem. Why don’t we set up a room for you to stay in for now and Remy can show you around.” “Yeah, chere, I can show ya the rest of those grounds you liked so much,” Remy stated, winking at her. Gabrielle relaxed and smiled. “That would be great.” “After you are settled, we can then introduce you to the other residents. Take your time, lunch for another few hours. I will join you then.” Gabrielle left the Professor’s study with Remy and he the proceeded to show her to her room. She dropped her jacket on the bed and followed him for the grand tour. Gabrielle had a slight feeling that this wouldn’t be so bad after all.