Mystic Shores By Reuben A. Macapinlac *Supereub* Gambit, Rogue, and all other Marvel Characters are a TM of Marvel Comics and are used here without their permission. Please people, I'm pretty new at writing fan fiction, inspired after reading all these different writers. So if you have a minute or two, can you please send your comments at PROLOGUE *** Remy placed another empty glass down on the bar, more than just a bit disoriented. Twelve beers in one night, a new record for the cajun. He burped rudely. Staring up at the bartender eye to eye, he smiled. "Another one mon ami." "You realize what time it is?" the bartender said, slightly irritated. "Oui." He signaled towards the door. Remy slowly got up, trying his best to stand straight. "I get de hint." he mumbled. Remy lazily exited the tavern. On his way walking up the steps, he almost slipped. (Damn homme! I am as drunk as a dog! Someone gotta remind me never to do dis again.) Remy suddenly remembered back to this afternoon, where he had a fight with his only one love, probably the reason why he was here, drinking his night away, in the first place. *** "What do you mean?!" Remy yelled. Rogue covered his mouth. "Shhh! You don't want ta cause a commotion sugah!" Remy slapped her hand away. "But Joseph's not your type chere!" Remy replied. "Please, I have grown fond of Joseph. If you were my friend, you would understa..." "Dat's just the point chere!" he interrupted "I just don't want to be 'your friend'. I have been loyal to you for years, and now you t'row it all away for dis gray haired liar who would, up to a few months ago, would kill you where you stand!" Rogue started to sniffle. She turned away. "Ah thought your reaction would be betta than this Remy." Remy walked towards the door. "Well chere, you do what you want, the two of you can go to hell for all I care." he said as he slammed the door behind him. As he walked down the stairs, he heard a lamp crash against the door and loud cries come from Rogue's bedroom. As hard as it was for him, he ignored it, but quickly left the mansion, heading to his parked chopper in the garage. *** Remy started to walk down the street, but stopped when he saw a woman walk up to him. Nonetheless, it was an attractive prostitute, who had seemed to have an eye for him. She put her lips by his ear. "Looking for a good time?" she whispered. Remy thought of Rogue for a second, then thought of Joseph. (How could dat jerk take away the only femme for me.) He sighed as he turned and smiled at her. "Which way chere?" She quickly led him towards a side alley, she held his hand as they walked casually inside a small storage room. "Just a second handsome. You don't move now." she said as she hurridly left the open room. Remy sat nervously on a stool. (What de hell is she doin'?) he thought, fidgiting in his seat. He thought for a few moments then finally came to his senses, he slowly stood up. (I can't do dis, not matter if Rogue loves Joseph or not.) He slowly headed towards the open door, he stepped out as he saw several men talking to the prostitute as she pointed at the room. Usually, Remy would think they were just friends, the weapons they started to arm themselves with changed his mind. One of the men spotted Remy from the distance. All attention was on Remy, who started to step back at this point. (Dis is goin' to be a long night.) He stood calm, but slyly searched his pockets for a card as they came over. But he had no luck. He smiled at the prostitute. "So dis is what I paid for?" he asked in a teasing voice. "Fuck you." she snapped. The three men surrounded him. Xavier had taught Remy and the X-Men since day one that avoidance was always the better part of valor, but unfortunatly, these guys just wanted his money. "Now can we talk about dis like mature adults homme?" "Shut up frenchie." the first thug mumbled as he tightened his grip on the iron pipe he held in his right hand. Remy slowly brought one foot behind the other in an almost casual fighting stance, feeling his muscles tensing. He wasn't as good of a fighter as Logan, but he knew he could probably take on these guys without referring to his mutant powers. "If you plannin' on doin' somethin' mon ami, now's the chance." The first thug walked up towards him, scowling. Remy stood his ground. The stranger lunged, no weapon in his hands. Remy brought up his right hand and caught his adversary's arm. He then brought his own left arm up over his attacker, pivoted powerfully, and threw him to the floor. It was a basic technique, that was as safe as it was effective. The thug started to get up, cursing under his breath as he signaled the other two men to get him. Remy took a step back, one of them held a switchblade as the other had an iron pipe. He slid his right foot back and threw a side-foot kick into the oncoming attacker's chest. The one with the pipe fell back. The second, with the knife, lunged at him. The knife sliced Remy's left arm, leaving a mean gash, Remy grunted. "Dat hurt." he whispered under his breath. Remy quickly kicked the man's hand and sent the knife spinning across the floor. He followed his kick with a reverse punch, breaking his attacker's nose. The thug yelled in pain, drops of blood ran down his face. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around his neck. The next attacker lifted him back, he struggled his way out of his grip, which was difficult considering this man's exceptional strength. He quickly grabbed the side of the arm, knelt down, and threw his attacker over the back. He grabbed the fallen thug and chopped him across the neck. Leaving him out of breath. That was two out of three. But where was the original attacker? The one who seemed to be the leader out of the group. He scanned around the alley, when he heard a sudden burst. BANG! Remy froze. He felt a sharp, almost an unbearable pain. He stared at the blood that stained his shirt. He suddenly had trouble breathing, he fell to his knees. From the distance, he saw the leader, his hands shaking as his two hands gripped the gun. The lady prostitute started to scream. She could hear her becoming histerical, cursing at the leader. Remy fell forward into the pavement, he slowly closed eyes, and the scene turned black. END OF THE PROLOGUE Reuben M. *Supereub* - SUPER'S Home Page: - Supereub's X-Men Krazy Page: *-------------------------------------* | | | I'm a TTTRRAAAVVEELLLIIINNNGGG | | MAN! | | | | - Morph | | Tales of the AOA | | | *-------------------------------------*