Welcome to another chapter of "Mystic Shores"! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter and if you want to send any comments, E-Mail them to supereub@lava.net Mystic Shores By Reuben A. Macapinlac *Supereub* Part Four ********* "What do you mean by 'alternate realities' homme?!" Remy said, angrily. Emperor Tourach, ruler of Tuntar, fidgeted in his throne as he saw the hostile X-Man snap back at him. The guard gave him a weak push. "Watch your tone in the emperor's presence!" the guard warned. The others looked at him. They seemed rather surprised that he was an X-Man. "No need for angry remarks Remy," Emperor Tourach replied. "You see, I transported you to a different dimension, my dimension. It's quite simple..." "You call that simple?" one of the strangers replied. "You all are here, the six of you are X-Men members from different dimensions, and I have gathered each one of you to stop a threat set upon our kingdom. As you see, I am more than just asking you, I'm telling you." Kurt Wagner, or at least from a place called Earth Plane 433, spoke up. "Excuse me sir," he began "But you can't force us to do this. You killed us off in our own planes to transport us here. What can you possibly give us..." "A trip back home Kurt." he interrupted. (A way back home?!) Remy thought. "Is dis what your saying true mon ami?" "I give you my honor Remy. But in one condition..." "Lemme guess," one of the other strangers said. "You want us to stop this supposed 'threat', that's why you and your guards call us the 'Chosen Ones'." "Correct." "Dat's blackmail!" Remy protested. #Quiet you fool! He'll have your head if you do that again!# a voice shouted in his head. #Who dat?!# #Me. I"ll do the introductions later, but if you want to exit this castle alive, just keep quiet.# Remy scanned around the room. Obviously, one of the other X-Men had contacted him through telepathy, the big question was who. "Surely you wouldn't lunge into danger just for the sake of my kingdom." the Emperor said. Another stranger stepped forward. Wearing a red visor, surely it had to be Cyclops. "As X-Men, we fight for humankind, for me, I don't need any conditions." (Ass kisser.) Remy thought to himself. "Excuse me," the lady of the group interrupted. "Ah just want to know, how can we all go back to our dimensions if he are dead?" "I have replaced all of you with clones. They will act the same as you do, they think the same thoughts, and contain the same memories. To be honest, they wouldn't know the difference." (Dat voice sounds familiar!) Remy stared at the woman. She looked about his age, she had shoulder length hair, quite a looker. A white streak came down the middle of her hair. (Rogue?!) "You're sayin' that ah ain't really dead in my timeline, but just replaced with dese people who are supposedly me?" "Correct." The seven stood in silence for a few moments. Then Remy stared at the Emperor. "Den what do we have to do homme?" The emperor smiled at the cajun, his happiness was not returned. Remy felt a sudden grudge towards this emperor, but he was the only ticket back home. "A threat upon the kingdom has occurred. A being who lies up at the mystic floating continent, Vahala, has threatened to destroy the barriers that protect us from the outside chaos." "But how can he wield such power?" Jered asked. "Nostrat, the former wizard, had to use the M'Krann Crystal to aid him in making the barrier in the first place." "I do not know how he can wield such power," the Emperor answered. "But this being, known as En Sabuh Nur, has shown his power. He wiped out the entire city of Dallben all in one night. That kingdom is almost as big as ours!" (Apocalypse?! How can dese be?) Remy cleared his throat. "I...I believe dat I know En Sabuh Nur, at least the one from my timeline." All attention was focused on Remy. The faces stared anxiously at him. "Tell me more Remy." the Emperor asked. "All I know mon ami, is dat I'm not surprised if he says he can destroy de barriers." *** Eight Hours Later, the sleeping chambers. Remy lay on his bed, facing the ceiling. He silently thought of it all, what had happened to him in a short period of time. Dying, Reborn, Lost, and now, Blackmailed to fight En Sabuh Nur, one of the strongest opponents back in Earth Plane 616. Suddenly, Remy heard a buzzing sound. He thought it was a mosquito, he sat up, striking the air, trying to scare the bug away. The sounds stopped. (T'ank god mon ami!) He lay back on his pillow. The Emperor had told them to sleep early, but Remy wasn't used to that. By tomorrow, one of the X-Men by the named of Blink, would teleport the team to the floating continent Vahala. Headlong into danger. The buzzing sound began again. (Mon dieu!) #Relax! It is me you idiot!# Remy was offended. (Who dat?!) #Let me introduce myself, I'm Rogue. And you?# (Rogue?! With telepathy?!) #I see you know me, from your timeline perhaps? But who are you?# #Um, de name's Remy LeBeau.# #Remy, that's a nice name. I see you were not to happy with the Emperor's request earlier this afternoon.# #I guess so petite. Dis mission, killin' us in our timeline just ain't right!# #Ah know. But you need to calm yourself, I am sorry for snapping at you earlier, but you just see, if you talk like that to an Emperor, they'll probably execute you.# #I've died once chere, I can handle it again.# #I won't.# Remy could tell this Rogue had an eye for him. The way she spoke to him, her remarks. #Ah'm not going as far as that Remy.# #You heard me thinking?!# #I know telepathy, I can hear your thoughts perfectly.# (Damn!) #I heard that.# Remy started to yawn. He can feel his eyes getting heavy, all the fighting and traveling wore him out. #Sorry chere, but I must leave, sooner or later, I'll be sleeping like a baby cajun in a few minutes.# #No problem Remy. Ah'll see you tomorrow.# #Yeah, good night chere.# Remy slowly closed his eyes, thinking of Rogue. (Glad Joseph ain't here.) he thought to himself as he drifted to sleep, ending the second night. END OF PART FOUR. Reuben M. *Supereub* supereub@lava.net - SUPER'S Home Page: http://free.websight.com/Macapinlac2 - Supereub's X-Men Krazy Page: http://free.websight.com/Macapinlac3 - Supereub's X-Men Fan Fiction Archive: http://free.websight.com/Macapinlac4 *-------------------------------------* | | | Hey, who took the cork off | | my lunch?!! | | - W.C. Fields | | | | | | | *-------------------------------------*