DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of fanfiction which I'm writing for my own enjoyment, and I'm not making any profit on it. The characters belong to Marvel, and are used without permission. WARNING: This story deals with a very ugly subject; the sexual abuse of children. If you know you shouldn't /don't want to read such material, please stop reading now. ARCHIVING: You DO NOT need to ask for my permission before archiving. I can't think of any good reason not to allow archiving, so I'll save everybody's time and give a general permission now. NEVERMORE Patrick Sahlstrom, 1997 Text within >< indicates telepathy, text within ** indicates thought. * * * * * * * * * * "Good evening, dear." "Dad, please, not tonight, my head aches so bad." "Didn't you take an aspirin?" "Yes, but it didn't help. It's -- it's like a thunderstorm in my head." "Poor little darling, daddy is going to make you feel better." "Please, daddy..." "Now now, don't be a bad girl, you don't want to be punished do you?" "No, daddy." Emma Frost lay on the bed, eyes closed, legs spread wide. Usually she would daydream herself to safety, imagining everything was happening to somebody else, but the storm in her head denied her even that relief. So she just lay on the bed. Twelve years old. Helpless. Scared. Alone. Emma felt her father's hands against her bare skin, touching her in ways no father should ever touch his daughter. She hated all of it; the touch of his hands, the way his eyes became strange and his breathing heavy. Most of all, she hated being so helpless. The storm became more violent. The hands moved. *No* "You like it, don't you dear? The way daddy touches you between your legs? Daddy likes it too, your skin is so soft there." So helpless. "You remember what daddy told you a while back? How fathers like putting their things inside their little girls?" *No* "You're old enough now, to really do the things daddy likes." *No...* A hurricane in her head now. "Just relax, dear, you're going to like it, daddy promises..." >NO!< Emma's father practically flew away from her, grasping his head. He screamed. "Emma... what did you do to daddy?" Had she done something? "Daddy didn't like that." There had been a... pressure in her head. And then, when he was about to... to penetrate her, the pressure had... flowed out from her forehead... and into his mind. "Daddy's going to punish you for being a bad girl." >NO!< This time she felt it more clearly. The power inside her flashed outwards, sending a thunderbolt straight into her father's head. He screamed. Maybe not so helpless...? Emma smiled wickedly as she sent a third bolt of psionic energy against her father. She could sense his pain, his fear, every single petty thought. Definitely not helpless. >Listen very carefully, dad. You will NOT come to me again. Never. Do you understand?< >DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?!?< "Y...y...yes..." >Then leave my room! CRAWL out! NOW!< Emma Frost lay on the bed, eyes closed, smiling. She did not know what had happened, or why. She knew only one thing. She would never be helpless again. * * * * * * * * * * I would very much like to hear your opinion about this. Please send your comments to hypasa@uwasa.fi. Thank you in advance.