X-Men: Red "New Enemies" Part 4 of 4 by Chris Delaney This uses Marvel characters who are tm and copyright to Marvel Comics. This issue is really a set-up for a fight issue. We see no less than 4 separate fights being set up, and the good guys weren't going to win them all (although Hydra's attack was going to be a real fiasco for them). The scene with the Marauders is nicer the way it is here, IMHO. It uses clones of a few characters that have appeared elsewhwere, but then Mr. Sinister was always famous for using clones. The mutantion with Luna is meant to be ironic and not anything else -- the idea that if Quicksilver had actually exposed her so long ago then she wouldn't have been affected by the virus. What seemed a good idea at the time is now fatal for her. Of course, this, like with Moira, is a clear movement of the Legacy virus into the human population. Dr. von Doom's predictions about 10 more mutations needed are hollow as he didn't know about Moira when he over-estimated the time for the virus to mutate enough to effet normal people. Scanner walked into the sterile, white room and stared at the man in the bed. A network of tubes and machines were focused on enabling this middle aged man to survive. The smell was rank with everything reeking of rotting flesh. The man himself was criss-crossed with pockets of infection and dead flesh. His breath rattled as he forced air through fluid-filled lungs. "What's wrong with him?" Scott asked as he walked in behind Scanner. "Leprosy." she replied. "What? In this day and age?" "A mutant strain. Incurable and much more painful than the original type." The man on the bed began to gasp and claw at the bedsheets with his remaining hand. A tear rolled out of one of his eyes as he saw his daughter standing before him. "Why have we never heard about it..." "It is artifical. This is deliberate. You see Dad is a mutant and a message was being sent." "What! Who did this. This is awful. I mean..." "Shut up Summers and leave us alone." "But..." "Do it god-damn you! Do it!" Scanner sat next to the bed and began to cry as she watched her father in his torment. Scott stood there for a few minutes feeling awkward and then walked out to get a cup of coffee. He couldn't stand being helpless and unable to do anything. It was just like with Jean all over again. Baron von Strucker looked at the assembled inner council of Hydra with a look of glowing triumph in his eyes. To his right was his son, Andreas and to his left his daughter Andrea. Together they comprised the mutant force known as Fenris. Around the table were arrayed his greatest lieutenants; the elite cream of HIS organization. "Today is the beginning of tomorrow! Our oldest adversary, Colonel Nick Fury, is slain and there is nobody of his caliber to replace him. I have waited long for this triumph and it is sweet indeed. My only regret is that I was not the one to struck the final, fatal blow! But not all is lost. I have received word that my oldest foes, the first men to ever oppose Hydra, are coming here, to New York city. The grand-daughter of one of them is dying of a fatal disease and the fool seeks to succor her. He will find his own death instead. Silver Fox, New York is your fiefdom. Have your men assembled for this assult!" "As you wish, glorious leader. Heil Hydra" she replied. Fool, she thought, to pit us against THEM. What was he, suicidal? "Excellent!" Strucker replied, uneasy at the woman's ethnic appearance. Who had approved her for such a post? It would have to be looked into. "The rest of you can join in this glorious assult with your own personal elite bodyguards. We will see who is fit to be a master of the earth! This is our target!" He pointed to a picture on a computer screen. "Only the Fanstic Four and a couple of feeble old mutants stand between us and vengence. We will be victorious. The glory of Hydra is upon us and the coming of the Fourth Reich is near. I have only now returned from Latervaria, good german soil stolen from the Greater Fatherland of Adolph Hitler and his Third Reich, and learned that Flynn von Doom will lend us unconditional support. He will assist in the coming of our glory. This time, we will do it right and the bodies of our enemies will litter the ground of Europe. We are invincible! HEIL HYDRA! HEIL HYDRA! HEIL HYDRA!" The room reverberated with the cry as dozens of seated hydra leaders rose to give their support. But one of them, by the name of Silver Fox, nursed hidden ambition. She had with-held vital information, for it was not just the Fantasic Four at Four Freedoms Plaza, the Avengers were there as well. It was time for Hydra to grow great, she thought, and for the weak to be culled. And when Strucker fell in battle, who better than she to lead Hydra to greatness and glory? If Strucker no longer wished to live than so be it! Magneto wheeled Charles Xavier out in front of the synagogue steps and then sat down. This had been the only pay-phone they could find in the area and it was good to get out of the car after the trial of New York traffic. It didn't help that none of them were good drivers and that none of them held currently valid drivers licences. Charles couldn't use his legs and both Rachel and Magnus tended to fly places. Charles mopped his brow and sighed heavily. He wanted a drink quite badly. "Hello there. Do you need some help getting into the synogogue?" a young man asked, noting Charles in a wheelchair and Magnus leaning heavily on a cane. He was a short man who seemed even shorter as he approached Magnus (who stood a good ten inches above him). He had tan skin and black hair and seemed quite friendly. "No." Magneto replied curtly. "Forgive my friend, he lacks a little in the social graces department. My name is Charles Xavier. You are?" Xavier said extending his hand. "Jacob Michaels. I was just here touring Four Freedoms Plaza; fantasic place. Hey, you aren't the expert on Mutant Affairs are you? The one who is always debating Graydon Creed?" "Yes I am. Glad to know somebody is watching." "I am just glad to see that sort of anti-semetitic bastard being properly debated. You know he endorsed Buccannon's idea that the Jews might be causing mutants? Sick!" "If you are worried about that sort of thing why are you wearing the Star of David?" Magneto asked. "Because I'm Jewish and proud of it." "I have heard this rhetoric before. How long til that becomes a way to identify you when they come to take you away? If you would be a safe Jew then either go to Israel and fight for your freedom or hide in the shaodws. So long as you are different they will fear you; and humans hate what they fear." "You are a strange one. This is the USA! What makes you think that anything like that could ever happen here?" Magneto ripped the sleeve of his suit to reveal a tattoo. "I thought the same thing about Germany once." Jacob blinked in confusion, this man couldn't be more than thirty! "And I know it will happen!" a stunning and tastefully dressed redhead interjected. "Although you are lucky, it won't be the Jews they are coming for this time. I spoke to Richards, Magnus, and we can go on in. He says he has no objections so long as you promise to behave." Jacob looked closely at Magneto and went pale. "You're Magneto aren't you? The famous mutant terrorist? That's why you are so young..." "Heed my warning, young man. Today the world looks calm and pleasant with no sign of strife. But do not relax your vigilance or else you might wake one day to find the world a very different place indeed." "My friend is too pessimistic." Xavier added. "No, it is you who are too naive!" "Alright boys. That is enough. It was nice meeting you, Jacob, but we really have to go." Jacob watched in surprise as the three figures rose into the air and flew towards Four Freedoms Plaza. He started shaking his head in disbelief and then stopped. "How in blazes did she know my name" he wondered aloud. Then he shrugged and started walking. He would have an interesting anecdote to tell, that was for certain. Whether anyone would believe him, that was another matter. Flynn von Doom sat on his throne and brooded. The time was coming for his destiny to be fulfilled once and for all. The aid he was given y Apocalypse had been merely a stepping stone, a small piece of assistance in what would have been his anyway given time. For that tiny service, and despite his treatemnt at En Saba Nuhr's hands, he had fulfilled his promise and culled the weak. Those who were too old, too stupid, too weak or of weak blood were being rounded up and slaughtered. It would be a new Latervaria that would rise from the ashes. He pondered the suit of armour that was standing next to his throne. Empty but awaitng his command to be of service. How had his thrice damned father stood it wearing that hellish thing all the time. He laughed, but then given his father's face maybe he had no choice. He looked sideways into a mirror and admired his own good looks. He was a great man, of this he had no doubt. He pondered the words of Nathaniel Richards who had come to visit him in the name of the organization Hydra. He had been skeptical at first, after all a ruler had to be, but had barely restained his enthusiasm as the old man had explained the logical result of these plans. So what if Apocalypse had told him to be patient and prepare; this old man and his friends could ensure victory without that creature. He felt a shiver of fear as he remembered being thrown about like a rag doll by the abomidable creature. He smothered his fear with a brooding hatred and vowed vengence. He pressed a buttone and spoke into an intercom. "Send in Nathaniel Richads!" he ordered. The old cyborg's offer was tempting and it would only serve to increase his glory. Who cared if he betrayed Apocalypse in the process? After the way Apocalypse had refused to acknowledge his natural supremacy he deserved to be betrayed. Flynn smiled as visions of future glory danced before his eyes. Gambit led the way up the stairs dragging a heavy bag of luggage behind. Rogue was carrying two such bags and didn't even seem to notice the weight. He thought about Rogue and couldn't help feeling like Judas; the dinner he had just feed her being the last supper. "Come on, Remy! Ah wanna see the surprise ya got waitin'!" "No you don't!" he thought and then choked the thought off. He felt guilt curdle in his gut and slowly changed his mind. This wasn't worth it and he wouldn't do it. Perhaps he had softened but it was just this sort of thing that had made him leave the Marauders. He started to cry out when an arm slipped around his neck and he felt himself being pulled tightly to a woman's body. An intoxicating perfume filled his nostrails and green tresses fell down to cover his face. He started to cry out but his call for Rogue was smothered by a kiss. He looked into the crazy eyes of Malice, leader of the Marauders, and felt fear. "Hi, honey-buns, miss me?" Rogue entered the room where Sinister waited. "Come on, let's join them, honeybuns!" Malice whispered. "And don't even think of trying anything against the mistress of magnetism. Believe me, you wouldn't like the results." Gambit walked along the corridor, arm in arm with Malice. "I thought dat you was dead?" "Stupid aren't you? Sinister made a point to me, that he could kill me at anytime and the only way back was through service to him. As for the bod, well Sinister is a master of cloning and the original would have been too much work to acquire. So he made me another one, a new and improved me. Isn't it nice?" Gambit swallowed the insult that he was about to mutter and allowed himself to be led into the room. Psilord stood over the corpse of the man called Cable. Nature had largely reclaimed the organic part of him but the metallic part remained. He considered for a moment and them popped claws out of his armour. Razor sharp adamantium, they had been taken off of the corpse of Wolverine and were practically holy relics in his day. Slashing at the carrion feeders he cleared the corpse and carried it towards a hill. Cable deserved a warrior's funeral. "They have entered the building, glorious leader. It is all going according to plan. Heil Hydra." Baron Strucker smiled and glanced around at his companions, allies old and new. The Red Skull, the Mandarian, the Master of the Hand, Nathanial Richards and Baron Mordo. He smiled and and rose from his chair. "The moment of our glory is at hand. Silver Fox, are your men ready?" "Yes, Glorious Leader. Is the word given?" "The word is given! We attack! Heil Hydra!" Rogue whirled to see Gambit entering with Lorna Dane of X-factor on his arm. That sleazebag, where did he find her and when. Her seventh sense began to blare warning her of danger. "Hello, Rogue, it is good to see you again." came a voice as cold as death issued from the throat of one of the greatest geneticists ever to blight the face of this planet. "Sinister! What in blazes..." She struggled as a web of magnetic force enveloped her. Figures issued forth into the room. They were Sinister's deadlist henchmen; The Marauders. Malice (possessing a clone of Lorna Dane). Arclight. Blockbuster. Harpoon. Prism. Riptide. Sabertooth. Scalphunter. Scrambler. Vertigo. As she struggled she suddenly became dizzy. She saw Scrambler approach her and renewed her effort to overcome her bonds. The Korean mutant reached over and touched her. Their powers cancelled instantly, leaving Rogue powerless. "Want me to waste the chippie?" Scalphunter asked. "After all, killing mutants is what we do best." "No. I have other plans for poor little Rogue. Congradulations Gambit, you have repaid my faith in you fully. Now it is time to go ahead with the greater plan." Sinister said. "Gambit, you bastard, how could you do this? You bloody sleazebag, ah'm gonna kill you when ah get mah hands on your hide!" "That will be enough of that." Sinister ordered. "I have business elsewhere at the present time and Rogue will have to wait. You have your orders, now carry them out." "Right boss! This Comcast character is as good as dead and this lil' hussy will wish she were." Scalphunter replied. Sinister vanished as he activated a device on his belt. "Hey Cajun, nice to see you haven't lost the knack of treachery. For a moment there I was hoping you would make a play so I could taste yer sweet, spicy blood. But you were a good little boy and did what Sinister ordered. And here I was thinking you cared about the little tramp!" Sabertooth mocked. "You don't even wan' ta go there, Creed." "Ah, is the poor widdle Cajun upset that his lady love is meat for Sinister. LIVE WITH IT BOY!" Sabertooth backhanded Gambit sending him spinning backwards. Gambit's eyes lit up in rage and he reached for a card. "That's it, go for it, Cajun. Show me me you have the guts. But remember, I heal and you don't." Gambit hesistated and slowy let the card slide back into his pocket. "You've gone soft, Boy. Not worthy to run with us anymore. Be a kindness if I put you outta yer misery..." "Enough, Creed." Malice commanded. "Sinister said we were to let him go and that's how it's gonna be. Unless you think you can take me?" Creed looked at her for a couple of heartbeats and slowly shrank before her gaze. "Didn't think so." she mocked. Rogue fought and struggled as they chained her and dragged her out of the room. Gambit stood there quietly smoking a cigarette until the last echo of her last frantic scream had faded. Then he got up and left to return to the X-men. To his friends. Scanner knelt beside the rotting man who was her father, dying of a disease that had been inflicted on him by an old enemy. *I came back, Dad, I couldn't stay away.* *Been better if you did, girl. You're the only family I have left and I'd rather not lose you like I did the others...* Images rose in Scanners mind of the night her family was massacred and how she had lain there for hours afterwards replaying each death over and over again in her mind. *I'm sorry, girl. I thought by leaving the States and returning to my native soil I could avoid the consequences of my actions. But enough of that. What has happened to you lately?* *I was a member of the Acolytes for a while. The group of heroes gathered together by Magneto. But Xavier mind-fried him and we were left under the control of a lunatic by the name of Exodus. Another lunatic came and destroyed our home and now I am here. There is other stuff but it isn't all that important.* *That young man belong to you?* *Scott? No, he is a member of my team that's all.* *I gotta favor to ask you girl.* *What is it Dad?* *I want you to finish putting something to rights for me as I can no longer do so myself. And I want you to kill me.* *KILL YOU! Are you crazy?* *No, the pain is worse every day and the disease is incurable. They made sure of that. Let me die, girl, I don't want to keep suffering this way!* Scanner could feel his suffering through the psionic rapport she had established. *I don't want to...* *Do it, girl. But first, let me tell you about something that happened when you were younger...* - - - - - - - - - - - - Scanner walked out of the room and into the hallway as the life support equipment blared. *We are going now.* she projected to Scott. "What are you talking about? Isn't that your Dad's room?" *Yes.* "But he's dying!" *Yes. I did it. Now let's go.* Scott stared at the young woman, her sorrow clear across the telepathic probe no matter how steely her exterior. She turned and left, leaving her last relative behind. Scott waited for a moment and followed Scanner out of the hospital and right into the ambush Pierce had waiting. Only his quick reflexes and extensive combat experience prevented then both from being chopped in half by a machinegun. Franklin Richards, aka Psilord, watched as the flames comsumed Cable's remains. "Damn you Cable, why did you die now when we need you so much. I'm not a warrior, not really. I am much more my father's child; a scientist and a thinker. This blood and thunder stuff was always your specialty, Nathan. How will be we survive without you?" "Very easily I assume." Franklin spun to face an East Indian woman. She was tall and statuesque with some strange form of armour on. "You see I know of the future and I know that it is better without him. There is a golden age coming and my child has told me what must be done to bring it about. I was so blind, thinking that mankind could stay as it was." "Who are you?" He furiously scanned the area and noticed the exception strength of her shields. She had managed to fool his armour and he had been distracted. 'Careless will get you dead.' Cable had always said. He was right. "I am called Haven. You are an impediment to the future, Psilord, and so you have to die." "Really? Think you can take me?" Franklin inquired as he summoned his blasters. He was the most powerful psi alive but he prefered to use weapons in combat. Using his power to kill or injure sickened him. "Do your best but it won't matter. In the end I will kill you. Your sense of morality and responsibility cannot be allowed to infect the others. Not when I am so close to bringing about their fall." Franklin opened fire with his blasters as Haven faded from view, only to reappear and strike. The battle raged and only one remained standing at the end. "... so as far as I can tell the activation of her inhuman genes by the terrigan mist enabled her mutant ability to manifest. The stress caused by the transformation was analogous to that suffered at puberty and activated her mutant power." Reed Richards commented. "The phenomenal rate of growth is her body optimizing itself to the maximal growth of this phenotype. The stresses on her must be incredible and coupled with the Legacy Virus I fear the prognosis is not good." Banner commented. "It is better than it would have been without any intervention on the part of Quicksilver. If nothing else, seeing how the Viriod reacts to the multi-level attack may provide clues to a cure." Doom commented from the view screen. "That is cold!" Brian interjected. "Just because you don't have the vision to see what must be done..." Doom began. "Uh, guys. What is her inhuman power anyway?" Dane asked. "She has acquired a hyper-active healing factor and contol of her body at the level of individual cells. Maybe even lower, we aren't sure. The scan revealed no feral regression like with most healing factors and she seems to have had no overt physiological changes. Were she to survive, it is highly unlikely she could ever carry a child to term however as her healing factor would most certainly attack and destroy it. The healing factor is attempting to restore her body to optimum which means that of a human at full growth; approximately age twenty-six. Her power is attacking the viriod and destroying it at a local level and there is literally, and astonishingly, DNA repair taking place. However, the trauma of attempting to grow this quickly will likely kill her. Plus, her mutant power does lead to some non-overt changes. She has inherited the magnetic abilities of her Grandfather and these genes are fighting for expression. She is literally being torn apart by the internal stress." Reed explained. "But if we can keep that for happening then she will be alright?" Dane asked hopefully. "I dinna think so. The viriod is too widespread and the degree of responce from her healing factor, while fighting the viriod, is not enough to eradicate it. This will only prolong her suffering I'm afraid. In the natural course of events the lass could conceivably have lived for milennia. Now she will be lucky to see next week!" Moira said with sorrow dripping from her voice. "I am trying to determine if a mystical type of intervention is possible but I have not had encouraging results. The girl is confused and fighting me and in horrible pain." Dr. Strange explained. "Bah, stop mourning for the already dead. We need to seize this oppurtunity to find a weakness in the viriod which we can exploit..." As Doom droned on and began to develop a battery of tests to do on the girl, Reed Richards wondered how he could ever have been friends with a man so callous and insensitive. How could Doom not care that the girl was dying and they could do nothing! Like most of the world he misjudged Doom because Doom thought far larger thoughts. Richards could only see a girl dying while Doom saw a planet dying. To him, the girl was one possible key to an elusive cure. As for Luna, she cared nothing for possible cures and hopeful treatments. She merely continued screaming. Epiogue The Hydra attack helicopters approached under a cloud of jamming that the US defence establishment was unable to pierce. At the base of Four Freedoms Plaza the last of the infiltrators walked into the building. They were able to see three figures flying in mid-air landing on the roof and reported that the primary targets had landed. On the 2nd floor a hydra technician made a minute slip and an alarm went of silently elsewhere. Silver Fox, unaware of his slip, watched with pleasure as the bombs were planted. How many survivors would there be after the entire building came down? Grateful for a respite the Black Widow headed down to take a look at what was wrong accompanied by the her fellow Russian, Darkstar. They walked right into the ambush set by the Ninjas of the Hand. Rachel flew into the lab bearing two of the greatest mutants on the planet. While Xavier was warmly greeted as an assest by everybody, Magneto was pointedly ignored. He walked over to Luna an placed his hands on the shoulders of the weeping Cystal (she had forced her way in earlier). He just stood there and stared at the terrific amount of damage the terrigan mist had done to his grand-daughter. Then, slowly, he added his tears to hers. Chris Delaney Department of Mathematics- Lakehead University "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" - I. Asimov