Author's Note Here we go again. Now I have to settle this right now before I get chewed out. I have no knowledge of genetics or anything of the sort, so bare that in mind. I also ignored the whole Onslaught story so the Prof. is still at the mansion, doing what ever it was he did. Plus for my own reasons Alex was not kidnapped, he did not go all funny in the head, and he is still a member of X-Factor. Magneto is not at the mansion, he is still a mindless, wandering ex-super villain some where in the states. My story my rules, if you don't like it tough. Disclaimer: As before all familiar characters are Marvel's and I only borrowed them. I did not steal them I borrowed them. All other unfamiliar characters are mine. If you want to use them ask, I will say yes. I am a nice person. I am making no money from this what so ever, (wish I was). I have no money so don't bother to sue me. Comments and such are welcomed at The Ties That Bind By Tanya AKA Admiral Draala Chapter One All was quiet at the X-mansion in upper state New York. Those who had not gone out after dinner retired to the rec room to watch the evening news. Professor Xavier was not in residence at the moment he went to Muir Island to talk with Moira MacTaggert about the legacy virus. They had no idea that the events that took place earlier would begin to unravel the life of one of their own. "What you are looking at right now is video feed from a battle that was waged not even an hour ago in downtown, Washington DC," The announcer on the local news said. "It is unknown at this moment what exactly prompted the attack from this unknown mutant group. What ever their goal was, it was stopped by the government funded mutant group X-Factor. X-Factor has not spoken to any reporters but a statement was released by their liaison, Dr. Valerie Cooper, she states that at present X-Factor is investigating this incident and has full cooperation from all Federal agents. "This brings up the question are we truly safe from all these mutant related attacks as of late. This is not the first attack by this new group of mutants. They were spotted in Boston only last week. Where will the next target be? This only adds more fuel to the anti mutant hysteria that is sweeping the nation. Tonight on Night Watch the discussion will be on how to deal with these mutant attacks. The quests will include several well known mutant experts, from both the United States and Canada. Tune into Night Watch tonight at 11:30 right here on this station. "Next we will look at the weather right after these messages." "Wonderful this is all we need, another mutant group to fight," Bobby complained as he turned off the television set. "One would think that after so many enlightened battles, you would learn to enjoy the thrill of the heated skirmish," Beast said trying to cheer up his friend. "Some how I don't think so Blue Boy," Bobby answered as he pulled Beast's ball cap over his eyes. "What ah don't understand is, why are these people asking the Canadians to join in this big news pow wow. Do they know some thing we don't," Sam said more to himself than to any one else in the room. "I have not heard any thing that would suggest that the Canadians are having trouble with their mutants. Then again I could mistaken. This may prove to be an interesting discussion. My curiosity is peeked due to this knew founded information. Now if only I was asked to participate, then it would be all the more interesting," Beast said answering Sam's question. "Hank, my I remind you that the last time you were on television for the same thing you mooned Graydon Creed on nation television," Storm pointed out to him. "Ah yes, I remember it well. One of my finer moments." "I think that Sam brought up a valid point. Why are the Canadians getting involved, especially right now?" Scott said as he got up off the couch. "What are you getting at Scott? Do you think that they may have some involvement in all of this?" Jean asked her husband. "I wish I knew for sure Jean. All I know is that the Canadians have never taken an interest in what mutants are doing here. Why all the sudden interest? And why have they been asked to participate in this discussion? I think that I am going to place a call to Alex and see if X-Factor has anything on this new group." Scott said as he walked out of the rec room. "Some how I have a feeling that this is not going to be a good thing," Bobby mumbled to himself. "It never is my friend. It never is," Storm added. * * * * * * Somewhere in the northern part of the province Ontario an encampment was tucked away nicely into the wilderness around it. Anyone who came across it would have no idea what exactly it was used for. That was the idea behind the construction of this place. No one knew of its existence except those who were involved in its construction, and outward appearances can be deceiving. From the outside it appeared to be no more than a large private complex in the middle of no where. If it was known what went on in this place people would be shocked. If the Canadian government knew it would be shut down in an instant. This place was someone's training grounds for mutants. His mutants, that he trained and mind wiped for his own personal gain. Many of these mutants were unaware that they were part of his plan until it was too late. Brian Duchette approached these mutants and promised them a place where they would learn about their powers. A safe place from the people that would hurt them. A place where humans and mutants lived together. If they knew the truth they wouldn't have gone with him. Brian Duchette walked out of his personal living quarters and headed for the main building to see how the days events went. "How did they perform?" He asked as he entered the control room. "Their performance was excellent. They were able to hold their own against X-Factor. We were forced to withdraw when a few unexpected members of the team showed up. We were ill prepared to deal with Sabertooth, amongst others." The chief operating officer answered. "What do you men Sabertooth. Last reports we had he died while fighting the X-Men." "Well apparently the reports were wrong. He was very much alive and working with X-Factor." "This is very interesting. Who were the other unexpected members they ran into?" "Rogue and Nightcrawler-" "X-Men they fought X-Men. What in the word were those two doing there? Certainly they haven't joined up with them? Nightcrawler would not leave his post with Excalibur, and Rogue is still with the X-Men. Although she has not been seen with them in awhile, this may explain it. This is definitely something that needs further looking into. How was the over all performance, considering how long it took to get X-Factor's attention in the first place." Brian asked walking over to a viewing monitor. "As I said their over all performance was excellent. All team members succeeded in challenging their assigned opponents. The addition of the three a fore mentioned mutants threw them off a bit but all recovered. Dream Weaver was successful in holding off Rogue for a short period of time. Shadow, Titan and Sabre performed all expected levels. Mystic and Ricochet are showing signs of difficulty," the chief answered as Brian watched the battle on a view screen. "What sort of difficulties, Denson? I thought the doctor guaranteed success." "As I stated at the beginning of this little project of yours I make no mistakes. Unfortunately problems arise when they mutants you give me have multiple powers. There is something in their genetic make up that makes it difficult for the process to work with out problems. Those two will need to under go further testing before they are up to the standards that you demand Mr. Duchette." A some what elderly man said as he joined in the conversation. "It seems that their programming was beginning to ware off and their memories were beginning to return. I told you this when we first began this project almost twenty years ago. It seems that you haven't been paying attention, not that I expect you to." "May I remind you, that if it wasn't for me you would still be in some god forsaken lab somewhere in British Columbia, doing lab tests on rats. I gave you the opportunity to do what you always wanted, experiment on the mutant race. Try and replicate the mutant gene in normal humans and you have succeed in three cases, Dr. Whitman," Brian reminded him. "Yes and you promised me two excellent mutant specimens to work with. In return-" "In return I gave you one. We have been over this before, my brother found out about it and told his wife to leave the country with the brats. It took me years but I was able to find one of them." "You found me the girl and I wanted the boy. His genes were superior to the girls," The doctor rebutted. "I don't have time to go into this right now, I have to be in Toronto in a few hours. Business meetings and a television interview with an American new show, if you will excuse me gentlemen." With that he took leave of the building. "Send Mystic and Ricochet to the rehabilitation chamber. I want the whole group ready for their test run against the X-Men in two days. I want no mistakes, prepare them for every contingency. X-Factor was only the test the X-Men will be the final exam, is that understood?" "Perfectly Dr. Whitman," Denson answered as he began calling out instruction. "Now I will see if all my hard work will come to light," Whitman mumbled to himself as he left to prepare for the rehabilitation of two of his more promising mutants. * * * * * * Scott sat in the communications room deep underneath the mansion. He was calling his brother Alex who was the leader of X-Factor, the group that he and the other four original X-Men formed. He began to call up the X-Factor headquarters in Fall's Edge Virginia. "X-Factor headquarters Havok on the line." "Alex it's Scott." "Scottie, what do I owe the pleasure of this call? Business or pleasure?" "I wish that it could be the latter, but as usual it's business. I want to know if you have any information on the group that you fought earlier?" Scott asked. "Not much at the moment I am afraid. We are still trying to figure it out our selves. I just got the impression that we were some sort of test subject for them. It was like doing battle with a bunch of zombies. Two of them seemed to be thinking for themselves, but it still seemed that they were in the fog. Forge was picking up some strange signals, but he was unable to determine the location that they were coming from. I guess when they figured they were losing they teleported out. If Rogue and Kurt weren't here I'd hate to think of what would have happened. Why are you so interested in this Scott?" Alex asked his brother. "Call it a hunch Alex but I think that they are trying to get our attention. It just seems to systematic. After doing nothing in other cities and running into no real opposition, why attack Washington?" "I think I get what you are saying. They are testing themselves against us, trying to see what are weaknesses are. But why?" "That's what I want to know? And now the Canadians are getting themselves involved in all of this." Scott answered. "That is weird. Why would the Canadians all of a sudden be interested in what goes on with regards to mutants here?" "I have no idea. There is going to be some sort of debate on Night Watch tonight. Apparently there is some big Canadian mutant expert is going to be on it. Hank is really interested in what he has to say." "I bet he is. What does the Professor have to say about all of this?" "I don't think he knows. He's on Muir discussing the Legacy virus with Moira. I am surprised that he wasn't asked to sit in on the discussion." "If not him then at least Moira." "If you hear any thing can you pass along the information?" "Can do Scottie, if I hear anything you will be the next to know. Once Forge has what ever it is he is doing finished, I'll make sure you hear about it also." "Thanks a lot Alex." "No problem bro. Give my best Jean will ya." "Will do." The screen turned black and Scott sat there trying to figure everything out and whether or not he should call the Professor. "I think you should call him Scott," Jean said as she entered the room. "The professor may know something we don't and if what you told Alex about them trying to get our attention is correct, he would want to know." "You may be right." "Forget the may be stuff, you know I am right." Scott smiled as Jean started to laugh. He turned back to the console and proceeded to call up Muir Island. "Muir Island Kitty Pryde here," said a cheerful teenager at the other end. "Hello Kitty." "Hey Scott, Jean how are things in Westchester?" "About the same as they always are. Is the Professor there I need to speak with him?" Scott asked. "I wish that I could help you Scott but he and Moira went out and I have no idea when they are coming back. Is it important? If it is I am sure that we can get in touch with him." "Don't worry about it Kitty it wasn't all that important," Jean told her. "Sure thing Jean. I'll tell him that you called," Kitty answered. "Thank you Kitty say hi to everyone," Jean said. "Talk to you guys later." Kitty cut off the connection. "I don't know why this bothers me so much Jean. Some thing just doesn't seem right." Scott said turning to look at his wife who was standing behind him. "You don't have to justify your self to me. I trust your judgment and so does every one else. That is what makes you a good leader Scott," Jean told him as she hugged him. Unfortunately Jean's words did little to comfort him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something big was going to happen that would affect their lives. If only he knew how true his thoughts were. To Be Continued....